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Carrier Air Conditioners: The Leader

When it comes to considering Carrier Air Conditioners, you need to think beyond the basics. Before you can consider why Carrier Air Conditioners are the leader, you need to learn the basics of how an air conditioning compressor works.

Carrier engineering is considered the leader in air conditioning and guarantees all of their compressors for an industry leading ten years. This way you have the confidence of knowing the compressor will work as designed for the life of the unit. Carrier air conditioners repeatedly move gas from an evaporator to a condenser to turn it into a liquid.

At one time air conditioners used Freon. However, when DuPont found Freon harmed the ozone layer they changed to the environmentally friendly R-134a or Puron. While this new gas has the same function as Freon, it requires more pressure. Carrier air conditioners have compressors designed to handle this high pressure.

The company was founded by Willis Carrier and he changed air conditioning in the 20th century when he developed the first Carrier air conditioner for home use. The first Carrier air conditioner compressor was designed for industrial use and was used to not only lower temperatures, but to also reduce the level of humidity inside a building. The original design, which was used to maintain temperature and humidity levels in a printing shop were then altered to be used in the residential setting.

As a result of industry changing designs, Willis Carrier has become known as the father of air conditioning. Carrier was also responsible for changing the lifestyle of individuals and the quality of their work environment. If air conditioning didn't exist than many countries would have taken longer to develop. In Texas, there were theaters that first used air conditioning, which allowed their business to grow dramatically once a Carrier air conditioning compressor was installed.

Carrier offers a wide number of air conditioning units including small in-house portable units up to industrial strength air conditioning compressors that can cool athletic stadiums. This technology was first started by Carrier's research in 1906. The first designs of Carrier air conditioners were used in federal office buildings, railroad cars, luxury liners, airplanes and even the space shuttle.

The newest level of Carrier air conditioners is an in-home vent-less air conditioner unit that allows individuals to move them from room to room. An exhaust hose is run to a window to vent the hot air, but they use the same technology that is contained within industrial sized Carrier air conditioner compressors. While Stuart Cramer came up with the term air conditioner, Carrier was responsible for making the term air conditioner popular.

It is important that you don't miss any important information about Carrier air conditioners otherwise; you may not make the best decisions when it comes to choosing a Carrier air conditioner. There are constant changes to the Carrier air conditioners and without up to date information you will have a hard time choosing a Carrier air conditioner model that meets your individual needs.

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