Home & Garden Home Appliances

Benefits of Using Honeywell Air Filters

This article examines the benefits of using Honeywell air filters, including the removal of dust, cigarette smoke, mold spores, pollen, dust mites, ragweed, and pet dander from indoor air.
This is important because of the surprising revelation that indoor air may actually be five to 100 times more polluted than outdoor air.
This is even more important for people who have allergies and suffer from either sinus disorders or asthma.
Meanwhile, an important distinction of the air purifiers made by Honeywell is that they utilize HEPA technology.
This allows the Honeywell air filters to eliminate even particles that are as small as molds and viruses.
Another significant benefit provided by Honeywell air filters is the use of cleanable and permanent filters.
What this means is that there is no need to purchase replacement air filters often.
Thus the maintenance costs for these products are relatively cheap.
Home air filters that are of the Honeywell brand are also energy efficient and require only a small amount of power to function.
Some of the models have even been awarded with an Energy Star rating.
Still other models in the Honeywell brand utilize an electronic air filter design.
This means that the air purifier functions by generating electrostatic charges that provide the various unwanted particles in the air with electrostatic charges.
This means that the particles will cling to the collector blades of the air purifying equipment as a result of the electric charges and it would be much harder for these particles to be blown away.
Honeywell provides various kinds of portable purifier filters and these include the HEPAClean, TrueHEPA, and Quiet Clean.
The Quiet Clean model makes use of the MicroFilter technology so that even particles as small as 0.
3 microns can be removed from indoor air.
It makes use of a fan to cause the air to circulate around the room and then blow it through the filter.
A high voltage source provides the filter with an electric charge and causes the particles to cling firmly to the filter in alternating layers of flutes that have the appearance of a honey comb.
Meanwhile, the HEPAClean model of Honeywell air filters has a 99 percent efficiency in the elimination of the unwanted airborne particles that go through the filter paper.
This model utilizes an electric fan to force these particles to move towards the filter.
The Honeywell HEPAClean model is also safe because it does not rely on ionization to get rid of the particles from air.
This avoids the production of ozone, which is considered to have harmful effects on human health.
Nevertheless, some models allow the user of HEPAClean to choose whether to increase the cleaning capability of the filter by activating the ionization feature.
And finally, the top of the life model for Honeywell is the TrueHEPA, which can eliminate particles that are as small as 0.
3 microns.
This particular Honeywell model has the best cleaning efficiency at 99.
97 percent.
This is done by using a HEPA filter with glass fibers and a mechanical filtration system.

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