Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Marriage Counseling Quizzes

Every marriage has its own share of problems.
Marriage counseling has helped a number of couples with problems in their relationship.
In 2003, the number of documented divorce cases in the US dropped by 5.
6 %.
Counseling is carried out in a number of ways.
Quizzing is one of the methods of carrying out counseling.
With the help of a set of questions, the counselor tries to understand the differences amongst couples.
The couples attempt the quizzes individually, as well as a team.
The answers given are then evaluated, and a numeric score is assigned based upon this.
Quizzes on counseling are found in many books discussing counseling.
With the spread of Internet, there are many sites offering invaluable advice on counseling.
Quizzing and questionnaires are easy methods for a counselor to understand the problems faced by the couple.
Quizzes, being short and playful, are welcome by the couple, rather than reading.
com is one of the sites which helps identify the status of the relationship and evaluate what is lacking.
The questions cover the entire gamut of the relationship.
Questions such as "Is your marriage in trouble?" to "Given the opportunity, would you ever cheat on your partner if there was no chance that they'd find out about it?" are eye-openers.
These can be questions that require a one- word answer or part of a multiple-choice set.
This is then categorized into various groups.
Based on the answers, the kind of commitment to the marriage is worked out.
Counselors, with the help of quizzes and questionnaires apply other procedures and therapeutic methods to family groups and couples.
They may also make use of psychiatric resources, in case required.
They guide the couples in the field of interpersonal relationships and teach them to be tolerant of each other's quirks and behavior.

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