Health & Medical Self-Improvement

The Home Office - Organizing Business Cards by Category Rather Than Alphabetically

Typically, business cards just stack up on the desk top, on the kitchen counter or the bedroom bureau.
They are not easy to use this way.
If you have an assistant, the information may go into the computer for handy use in Outlook or another contact software system.
But, what to do if you've just got a stack of cards? The first question to ask yourself is how do I want to use them? Just sorting alphabetically usually isn't all that helpful.
Typically, we associate by category than necessarily recall a name.
So what can be easier to use is to group business cards together by category.
Here are some options to organize your cards: Using clear sheets.
Using clear sheets made especially for cards is one option.
The sheets can be organized in three-ring binders and moved around.
The benefit is the information is easy to read.
If you travel, you can group the cards in a sheet to take with you or photocopy to have the information handy and light weight.
Using small boxes.
Using small boxes made for cards is another option.
By using dividers, you can group the cards by category.
The categories might be business groups, organizations or household vendors, for example.
Once they are in groups, it may not be necessary to alphabetize them, depending on how many cards you have.
Using a rolodex.
Using a rolodex suited for business cards is a third option.
The catch is that it's set up alphabetically.
But, this might work for you.
For example, you could have one rolodex for personal or household contacts and another for business.
To get a handle on all those business cards, think of grouping them together by category for easy reference.
This can be more effective than alphabetizing them or better than leaving them around in piles with no way to find the one you want.

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