Health & Medical Self-Improvement

17 Seconds To A New Reality

A few days ago I posted review of Andy Shaw's book, A Bug Free Mind, in which he talks about how holding onto a positive thought for 15 seconds will enable you to create a ripple effect in your mind, which will send powerful vibrations out there to the universe, thus enhancing your law of attraction efforts hundredfold.
If you have read that post, then you would have remembered that I mentioned Abraham Hicks had already talked about a similar concept in one of their seminar recordings.
So for the purpose of getting a second opinion, I have included a summary of what Abraham says on the subject.
The Seventeen Second Rule According to Abraham According to Abraham, if you can hold a thought consistently for seventeen seconds, at that seventeen second point, another thought of the same vibrational frequency will join it.
When these two thoughts merge, because they are vibrationally the same, there is a combustion which contains the same power of about 2000 man hours.
Now that's quite a claim and if you are like me, you're probably wondering how on earth they calculated that.
Is it really important how? I have tried this exercise and I can tell you that when I finally achieved a 17-second thought, the entire energy in my body felt different.
And when you can feel such a strong energy transformation, something good has to be happening.
The reason most of us don't realise this is because we can't manage to hold a thought for even 5 seconds without contradicting the vibrational frequency of the thing we desire.
Virtually the minute we get onto the frequency of the thing we want, we get straight back out of that frequency by contradicting it with a thought of not having it.
But wait, there's more.
Abraham also says that the longer we hold on to a thought, the results expand exponentially.
If you an manage to get to 68 seconds, you are well on the way to creating that thing.
However, in order to achieve this 68 seconds, you probably need to give yourself at least 15-20 minutes to make that 68 seconds happen.
To be honest, I haven't managed to do this yet, but you can bet your butt, I'm trying.
What Do the Teachings of Abraham Hicks Say About Negative Thoughts? The best thing about this is once you have launched it, it exists.
A negative thought doesn't erase it, but it may slow it down because what will happen is that it will take you away from that place of allowing.
In other words, if you take the time to line up energy, you efforts will be easy and flowing, but if you don't take this time, you will be swimming upstream.
THOUGHT VS FEELING Most therapists and psychologists say that it takes 30 days to affect a new habit.
In fact it can be done in a much shorter time period, we just need time to align our energy with it.
The quickest way to help this along is to get into a feeling place, not a thought place.
Why? Because when you get yourself into a thought place, your mind tends to go off on tangents, which reduces the potential for positive thoughts to band together.
Unless you are really a pro at collecting your thoughts together, it's best to focus on feeling good, as good feelings tend to bring on more good feeling and even encourage positive thoughts.
So your feelings can basically 'frame' your thoughts.
Try it today - it might take you a while to get the hang of it but once you get into the habit of holding thoughts, you'll start to see many changes around you.

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