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Vegetable Companion Planting

Vegetable Companion Planting Will Produce Good Gardens Companion planting is a term used in gardening and is accomplished by planting certain plants by each other.
They compliment each other in the growing season.
Just as insects cannot get along with some insects, so it is with plants.
When you are planning your plot out for a garden, it is good to know what plants like each other and what plants do not get along side by side.
One example, if you are planting peppers then plant basil or okra near them as well as carrots and onions.
Catnip and marigold will protect them from insects.
Peppers do not like tomatoes and they will not be good neighbors when planted near each other.
Container planting is a good way to group plants that get along.
You can grow vegetables in containers as long as you allow for depth and sunshine.
Companion planting this way allows you to move plants around, especially your herbs.
Another example, Garlic will benefit roses and raspberries but will not get along with bush beans and peas.
Your bush beans and peas benefit each other but around onion, chives, garlic, or gladiolus they will not do well.
It is amazing how even nature has its likes and dislikes.
Tomatoes will do well with onion, carrots, parsley, and asparagus and basil, chives, and mint benefit them.
Catnip, Garlic, and nasturtium will protect tomatoes while dill, fennel, cabbage, peppers, corn, and apricots will irritate tomatoes.
Getting the most out of your vegetable garden will depend on the knowledge you acquire by companion planting.
Learning about which plants will be of benefit to each other and which plants are not compatible is valuable for producing a good crop and keeping insects in control.
When plants are happy and have good neighbors living near them they produce well.
Companion planting also helps to keep diseases at bay in a natural way and will discourage insects and keep them away by natural methods.
Using plants that protect each other can limit the use of insecticides, which are not good for human consumption.
You will enjoy a plentiful harvest with good tasting food when you learn the art of companion planting.

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