Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Dating After Divorce- Open Up to New Ways to Meet Prospects

It's not always easy to maintain a positive attitude and try new ways to meet people.
Yet, a good outlook and a willing spirit are crucial to your dating success.
What can you do to encourage yourself to break from routine and experiment with new ways to meet people? The Foundation for Out-of-the-Box Thinking There is a key phrase that can be relied on as the foundation for out-of-the-box thinking and a positive outlook about looking for love: Try asking yourself "What the heck?" In other words, what's the downside of trying something new? Free Yourself from Unfounded Fears When asking clients what contributed to their dating success, so many respond, "I finally decided, 'What the heck?' and posted my profile, went to the dance, or said yes to the blind date.
Saying "No" to these methods hadn't produced the results they wanted.
Somehow these people managed to push past the fear and realize there was very little to lose except their single status.
They asked themselves, "What's the worst thing that could happen? What have I got to lose?" This is a great way to free yourself up from unfounded fears.
The likelihood of meeting an axe murder is statistically quite slim.
Adopting a "What the Heck?" Attitude Moves You into Action Naturally trying anything new can cause trepidation.
But, without a willingness to explore various dating avenues, my happy clients who found love wouldn't be with their partners today.
Adopting a "What the heck?" attitude will help you put aside fears in favor of action, to move toward the goal of meeting Mr.
How Beth Met Sam Here's a great example.
Beth had been complaining that she was having trouble meeting men, but admitted that she was doing very little to help her cause.
To shake things up, she thought "What the heck?" and placed a personal ad in a local weekly paper, screened lots of responses and decided to meet a few of the men.
When Beth met Sam, she discovered they had a lot in common - in fact more than she realized because as it turns out, he lived right around the corner from her.
Without placing that ad, Beth probably never would have met her neighbor Sam, who was an active, kind-hearted man with a great sense of humor.
Say "What the Heck?" to Limiting Thoughts that Hold You Back If you are holding yourself back from meeting prospects because the methods seem daunting, or contrived, take the pressure off and convince yourself that you have nothing to lose but those lonely weekends.
Say "What the heck?" to limiting thoughts that keep you from trying new things and get on with finding the love you want!

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