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Mexican Types of Grass With Flowers

    • Mountain, flatland and coastal regions make the climate of Mexico diverse. Mexico's proximity to the equator, however, makes it a country dominated by high summer temperatures. Grasses that grow in Mexico are typically very heat- and drought-tolerant. A handful of grasses that grow in Mexico also produce flowers.

    Mexican Feather Grass

    • Mexican feather grass (Nassella tenuissima) is native to Mexico and South America but also grows in parts of the United States. Growing up to 2 feet tall, it is a clumping grass with fountains of long, slender, bending blades. The grass blades are light green, and the summertime flowers are soft, yellowish-green tufts. Mexican feather grass commonly is found in nature growing in flatland regions but also servesw as a suitable second-tier plant for a lush garden. It requires full sun, minimal watering and well-drained soil. It can grow in slightly acidic or alkaline soil. Check with an extension office before planting this variety as Mexican feather grass is considered a noxious weed in many areas.

    Big Bluestem

    • Big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii) is a hearty, long-blade clumping grass that grows in northern Mexico and the Southwest United States. It grows well in extremely dry areas and in a range of soil types, and it can reach up to 7 feet tall. Starting off a bluish color, Big bluestem forms purple flower spikes during the latter part of summer, then turns a copper color in the autumn. Big bluestem is used for prairie conservation, livestock and wildlife forage, erosion prevention and landscaping. Conservationists plant it with other wild plants to restore areas that have been mined or damaged by logging roads. It works well for forage material because it is robust and will survive heavy grazing. Big bluestem is used for hay. Plant it in a yard to create a spread of ornamental grass.

    Lindheimer's Muhly and Pink Muhly

    • Lindheimer's muhly (Muhlenbergia lindheimeri) and pink muhly (Muhlenbergia capillaries) both are native to Mexico as well as to the United States and Asia. These clumping grasses produce flowers of large, feathery tufts and grow 3 to 6 feet tall. From a distance, the muhly varieties have a light, fuzzy appearance. The flowers of Lindheimer's muhly are white, and the flowers of pink muhly are pink. They thrive in well-drained soil but will survive in most types of soil. The also do well with moderate to minimal watering. Gardeners plant muhly grass in a perennial garden to add soft texture. Muhly grasses work as ground cover, border accents or outdoor potted plants.

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