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Drtv and Advertising

DRTV became popular as a method of advertising during the 1990s. During this time frame many of the products that were advertised via DRTV were also available for purchase in retail stores. The way DRTV advertising works is to ask the customer to contact them directly. There are many big companies that have used DRTV to communicate with their potential customers. Some of these include Toyota, Bissell, Rubbermaid, DuPont, Sears, P&G and many others you have likely heard of and probably seen on TV.

Other industries that have found DRTV to work well for them include credit card companies, mortgage companies, insurance companies, and especially cell phone companies. Satellite TV companies like DirecTV have also taken the DRTV route.

For most of these companies the point of DRTV is to generate leads. Then, once leads have been generated they are usually closed via phone operators, direct mail, email, or in a retail store. These are not all of the uses of DRTV. Advertisers also rely on this method of marketing to increase retail sales. The method is to create demand for particular products or services. Sears, The Sharper Image, and Home Depot have all relied on this method to drive demand.

Companies that take advantage of DRTV methods of marketing may also be recognized for excellence in the area. The Direct Marketing Association seeks out the best short form television direct marketing. There are also other awards for this method of marketing including those by Jordan Whitney Greensheet, the Electronic Retailing Association, and many others.

In general, DRTV is used because it is successful. The methods and approaches may have changed over the years, however overall the goal of DRTV is the same. It's all about creating knowledge of a particular product or service through television ads that require customer interaction. Consumers will need to use the Internet or telephone to contact the company and then in this subsequent step potentially make a purchase. DRTV airtime is typically more affordable and as a result the airtime fills up quickly.  Because of this you likely see quite a few DRTV ads while you are watching televisions. This is good news for those of you interested in advertising via this method because so many people watch TV that it is guaranteed your product will get great exposure. Consider using DRTV if your budget allows and you are requiring customers contact you directly to make the sale. That's the best method and it has been proven to work. Just look over the big names that use this type of advertising again to prove that point.

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