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Put it on an AdWords Plate

I recently went to my local supermarket looking for a specific ingredient for a cake I was planning to bake.
I walked in and immediately headed for the isle labelled as 'Baking Goods' presuming that is where I would find the item.
Unfortunately after 5 minutes of repeatedly looking over the same shelves I had to admit defeat and look for help.
Thankfully there was an assistant not too far away who was able to direct me to the confectionary isle that had a vast array of the item I wanted.
One thought which crossed my mind during the 5 minutes of searching was to give up and go home.
Only the fact that I had specifically taken 15 minutes out of my day to drive to the shop, park, walk in and look for the item made me persevere.
You don't have that luxury on your website.
There isn't any help assistants standing close by the computer of the user who can step in and assist.
It doesn't take that much effort for someone who has ended up at your site to hit the 'back' button if they can't find what they want.
They know they can be back on the Google search page in a split second and clicking on other ads that will satisfy their need.
Studies have shown it will take a user 4-8 seconds for them to decide if they want to stay on a web page or leave it.
It's a brutal world! So how do you make them stay and grab their attention? Well if you are using AdWords to advertise a golf umbrella that you sell and your ad is all about golf umbrellas - then your destination URL (landing page i.
the page the user goes to once they click an ad) must be related to golf umbrellas.
Don't take them to your homepage which has information on everything golf related - they aren't going to spend time looking around your site trying to find what they want.
Put it on a plate for them.
Make the process as simple as possible.
In those 4-8 seconds during which they scan the page make sure they see a picture of a golf umbrella and a title with the words 'Golf Umbrella' in it! At that point you have them hooked and they will put some consideration into the product or service you have.
You'll have a stay of execution before they think about hitting that dreaded back button! There are many techniques to improve your AdWords account, and you need to keep up to date with these techniques.
AdWords done correctly is one of the most profitable ways to make money on the internet.

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