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Why Are Videos the Secret to Generating Thousands of Leads in Your Network Marketing Business?

Most of us already know when marketing our business and products; the internet is the most viable venue for such activities.
We have seen the web grow from where text was the format that supplied most of our information to how pictures became more prominent thus making the net more popular.
And then there was video.
Today we can now see how video has revolutionized the internet.
Websites like YouTube is among the top three on Alexas ranking, along with giants like Google and Yahoo.
As a matter of fact whenever Google searches are done you can now find videos among the search results on the front page.
I am saying all of that just to say this, video is now the most influential method of branding your network marketing business, your products and yourself.
Why do you think people spend countless hours viewing videos on you tube of people they don't even know? I am even guilty of such fate; looking for something in particular just to find myself moving from one video to the other.
The thing is videos add that element of interest, it pulls your audience in, or for us network marketers it pulls your prospects in and leaving a more memorable experience than if they were to actually read about it.
Imagine yourself, a network marketing business owner.
Knowing that the internet is the best source to do your prospecting, you decide to market your business opportunity by using two different methods.
With your first method you direct your traffic to your website to where they are able to see a PowerPoint type presentation on your business and why it's such a great opportunity.
Now by doing the same thing in directing the traffic to your website, you take them to a short 3-5 minute video of you introducing the business and letting them know how great of a business it is.
Which of these options you think is likely to gain more results? I hope you said the 3-5 minute video.
The reason is for one; people are seeing and hearing you offering this network marketing business opportunity.
So right away they are able to relate to you.
They could feel whatever passion you're exhibiting about your business, they could see how happy you are and hear how optimistic you are about your network marketing business.
Secondly, people just rather watch and listen a 3-5 minute video than to sit and spend 10-15 minutes reading through a 15-20 slide presentation.
So if you haven't summarized yet what I am trying to portray, video is way more powerful.
In least amount of time it promotes a more credible you, a more reputable network marketing business opportunity and a more promising product leaving a more memorable impression.
That's the power of video.

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