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Machine Embroidering Towels Instructions

    Stabilizing the Towel

    • When embroidering anything, whether on a machine or by hand, the two sides of that item must be stabilized using additional fabrics. Traditionally nylon netting was used for the front of the design; however modernly, embroiderers recommend using tulle that matches the color of the towel. Unlike nylon, tulle is easy to tear away after the embroidery is complete and any remaining pieces will not be noticeable, as they directly match the color of the towel. Tulle is placed on the front of the design to ensure that no terry threads poke through the design upon completion.
      The back of the towel is stabilized using a water-soluble stabilizer fabric. This fabric can be found at any fabric store in the notions section. It will provide the towel the stability necessary for the machine to create the design without causing folds or lumps in the fabric. Best of all, this stabilizer will completely dissolve in the laundry after the design is complete. Remember that stabilizer fabric can only be used on the back of the design, as a non-dissolving fabric, such as tulle, is necessary on the front to keep the towel's thread rings from poking through the design.

    Embroidry Machines

    • Modern embroidry machines are actually a type of simplified computer with particular embroidry designs programmed into their systems. When selecting a particular design, especially if using text, be sure to browse through all of the available options to ensure the be design is chosen. Furthermore, verify the actual amount of space that is desired for the message to take up on the towel, so that the machine can set the text size appropriately. Finally, verify that all necessary thread bobbins are completely full and aligned correctly.

    Finishing off the Project

    • Once the machine has finished embroidering the towel, carefully tear away the tulle from around the letters. It is always better to tear rather than cutting, as the tearing tends to remove more of the tulle closer to the letters. After removing the tulle, place the towels in the washing machine and launder in cool water with detergent to remove the stabalizer from the back of the towel. Fluff dry the towel and fold with the design facing up.

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