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Bread Crafts for Children

    • Believe it or not, children can make different crafts from bread and bread dough. Bread crafts can teach small children about shapes, sizes and colors. They're fun, safe and easy to do, and some of them are even edible.

    Bread Dough Animals

    • Bread dough is similar to Play-Doh, which children love. Children can help you measure out the ingredients for the dough, and then create animals from the dough with their hands or cookie cutters. Children can watch the dough rise and turn brown in the oven and see their finished creations. Then, of course, they can eat their bread dough animals.

    Bread Painting

    • In several separate containers, mix different colors of food coloring with a little bit of milk. Allow children to paint pieces of bread with the food coloring and clean paintbrushes. Once they're done painting, toast the bread so they can see what happens, and then make sandwiches from the painted toast.

    Bread Dough Beads

    • Remove the crusts from several pieces of white bread, and tear the bread into little pieces. Add craft glue and mix the bread and glue together well. You can add food coloring to different batches. Roll the dough into small balls or cylinders to create beads. Poke holes in the beads and let the dough dry completely. Children can string the beads onto string, ribbon or yarn to create necklaces or bracelets.

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