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Prevent Global Warming

Today, prevent global warming seems to be the necessity of the day.
It is high time we noticed effects of industrialization on the planet.
It is no more difficult to notice that global warming has been changing climate of the world.
Large ice masses that initially adorned both the north and south poles are melting as a very fast speed.
This shows warming is affecting us since the water levels will increase drastically.
Melting of ice masses will also mean changing in climatic conditions all around the world.
Effects of which will be difficult for humans and animals alike.
You can prevent global warming by uniting against it.
It does not matter what your place of residence may be; however, you can contribute towards reforestation and help reduce green house gases and carbon dioxide considerably.
You can also help in cooling the earth down substantially.
Global warming is also the result of using fossil fuels like petrol, diesel, CNG, etc.
with industrialization there has been growth in number of car owners, this has made global warming faster.
You can easily prevent global warming, you should use all those facilities provided to you consciously.
A little saving of water, fuel, electricity, etc per person can make a lot of difference to our planet.
In order to prevent global warming there are several organizations which are working actively so they can increase forests around the world.
Increasing forests is a good and a constructive alternative to solving this problem of global warming.
It is true that rain forests and tropical forests around the world are being cut down to fulfill demand for wood and paper, this is causing deforestation.
A simple solution to this problem is replanting the trees that have been cut off and letting these grow back again naturally.
These lush green trees in the tropical rain forests have worked as lungs for all the world for ages.
Reduction in these forests will accelerate the disaster brought in by global warming.
Several governments around the world are taking steps and implementing laws that will help curb production of green house gases and make the world a better place for our children.
However, these laws will take time in being implemented.
Till the time, these actually come into being, all world

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