Travel & Places Fly Fishing

How to Make Jig Molds

    • 1). Fold a piece of paper in half. Draw an outline of the jig head near the folded crease. Cut the outline of the head with a razor knife or scissors. Stop the cuts near the folded crease to leave a small 1/8-inch section. Unfold the cutout and the result is two similar patterns that connect with a 1/4-inch long tab.

    • 2). Cut two pieces of 3/4-by-2-inch aluminum stock 6 inches long, using a hacksaw. Smooth the cut ends of the aluminum with a flat file to remove any burrs. Lay the pieces side by side with the 2-inch sides facing up.

    • 3). Align the center of the tab on the jig pattern with the seam between the aluminum pieces. Trace the outlines of the jig head onto each piece of aluminum with a felt marker. Make additional patterns in any style and transfer these to the aluminum. A typical 6-inch long jig mold will make four jigs.

    • 4). Secure one of half of the aluminum mold in a bench vise with the jig outlines facing up. Wear safety glass before carving the jig patterns. Use an electric drill with a cone grinding tip to carve the patterns. A manufactured jig is used as a reference for the depth of the carvings. Bear in mind, you can detail the jigs with a file once they are removed from the mold. Repeat this with the other half of the aluminum mold and remove it from the vise.

    • 5). Mark the center of each carving on the edges of the aluminum pieces as a reference. Turn one side of the mold directly over onto the other and align the reference marks. Clamp the aluminum pieces tightly in the vise with the seam between the pieces facing up.

    • 6). Drill a 1/8-inch-diameter hole in the seam at each of the center marks. Make sure the drill bit is perpendicular to the top edges of the aluminum. Drill fully through the seam until the point of the drill bit exits the opposite edge of the pieces. This is necessary to lay the shaft of a fishing hook in the mold.

    • 7). Place a 3/4-inch-diameter flat washer on the mold and center the hole in the washer with one of the drilled holes in the seam. Trace the outline of the washer onto the top of the mold. Repeat this at each of the drilled holes.

    • 8). Use the cone grinding bit to carve a shallow funnel the diameter of your circular outlines at each hole. The funnels should be no more than 1/8 inch deep. Remove the mold from the vise and touch up any carvings as desired. Clamp the sides of the mold together at each end to pour the jigs.

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