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News And Reviews On India Water Pollution and Wastewater Treatment In India

The significant increase in demand for fresh water will in turn increase the demand for water treatment products. The developing countries will be the primary members to drive this as the demand for water treatment equipment, services and supplies, including chemicals, are continuously increasing in these countries. India is among these developing countries and is expected to support the global water treatment market in coming years as it is also facing shortage of freshwater and in the future this is slated to intensify.

A severe health crisis is likely to rise across India as many groundwater blocks across the states have become so contaminated that they cannot be used for drinking. Most of them are over-drawn and cannot be used. All these issues must be collated and discussed under a single forum where people can get information on all the water-related issues that are being currently faced in India and also the solution for those problems. An online portal with all the information and reviews on water industry will help individuals to know more and thereby help save the precious resource. Mainly the wastewater treatment and Desalination are the techniques that can be used to overcome the shortage of freshwater in India. For this, an individual must have the knowhow of such techniques.

The websites on water review target companies engaged directly or indirectly in the water industry in India. They help as a single platform for all business, commercial and policy news regarding the water industry and also form an online discussion forum for all stakeholders. India Water News and interviews with heads of various countries are generally displayed in these websites and this gives regular updates to individuals who are concerned on this global issue. The online portals on the water industry are very much focused on the treatment techniques, the equipment and chemicals that are being used in treating the wastewater. This helps people gain more knowledge on the purification techniques and one can trust the procedures and use the treated water for daily needs. The fresh water crisis can thus be controlled and in turn the future generation is very much benefitted.

In India, Waterpollution is another major issue and people are not able to understand the risks they face due to this menace. Most of the rivers that flow through the holy places in India are highly polluted and this is mainly due to the lack of knowledge among people on the consequences. The causes and prevention of water pollution must be discussed on the websites so that more and more people are aware of the water crises. All the major news updates on Water related topics must be highlighted and one can easily get the required information on water at any time. Groundwater across 25 states in India is already contaminated with toxic chemicals beyond permissible limits and would be a major issue that needs to be discussed online so that immediate actions can be taken to plan the solution and execute them based on the planning.

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