What Is Burdock and What Can It Do?
Burdock is an herb/plant from the daisy family - any plant from the group of biennial thistles in the genus Arctium family.
Because they have prickly heads (burrs), they became the inspiration for Velcro since they can easily "hitch a ride" onto people's clothing.
The plant has antiseptic properties and it's because of this that it's one of the best remedies for chronic acne.
For an internal application, simply take 2 oz.
of roots and add them to a quart of boiled water.
Let them steep for about 10 minutes and drink about 5 cups per day to clear up acne.
Feel free to add Splenda if you want to sweeten for taste.
Now if you want an external acne application of burdock, crush some fresh leaves pretty finely, soak them in a little olive oil, just enough where the olive oil is covering the leaves completely.
Place them in a sealed container for about 24 hours.
Keep them in a warm location.
Then filter out the leaves and apply the oil to wherever you have a breakout.
Cheesecloth is pretty efficient for straining the leaves out, but you could also try a small metal colander that's finely meshed.
Apply some oil to your hands and simply rub it into the acne affected areas.
It will remain effective until you bath, and at that point you should still have some leftover to reapply.
Of course if you don't want to be bothered with external application, you can always buy burdock capsules at your local heath food store.
They run from five to 10 dollars, depending on where you buy them.
Super affordable really, considering their overall benefits.
Burdock has depurative (cleanses the blood), diuretic (lowers blood sugar levels) and laxative properties that help to eliminate toxins.
So drinking three cups of burdock tea (infusion drink) can help at treating many maladies and diseases.
Here are just a few:
So it's no wonder that people are returning to these natural means of purifying and healing.
Far too often people depend upon over-the-counter products or pharmaceuticals to address medical problems, when there are a host of other options in the homeopathic area.
And now more than ever, we are living in a time where health food stores are plenteous and offer superior products that will do the job better regarding good overall health.
Because they have prickly heads (burrs), they became the inspiration for Velcro since they can easily "hitch a ride" onto people's clothing.
The plant has antiseptic properties and it's because of this that it's one of the best remedies for chronic acne.
For an internal application, simply take 2 oz.
of roots and add them to a quart of boiled water.
Let them steep for about 10 minutes and drink about 5 cups per day to clear up acne.
Feel free to add Splenda if you want to sweeten for taste.
Now if you want an external acne application of burdock, crush some fresh leaves pretty finely, soak them in a little olive oil, just enough where the olive oil is covering the leaves completely.
Place them in a sealed container for about 24 hours.
Keep them in a warm location.
Then filter out the leaves and apply the oil to wherever you have a breakout.
Cheesecloth is pretty efficient for straining the leaves out, but you could also try a small metal colander that's finely meshed.
Apply some oil to your hands and simply rub it into the acne affected areas.
It will remain effective until you bath, and at that point you should still have some leftover to reapply.
Of course if you don't want to be bothered with external application, you can always buy burdock capsules at your local heath food store.
They run from five to 10 dollars, depending on where you buy them.
Super affordable really, considering their overall benefits.
Burdock has depurative (cleanses the blood), diuretic (lowers blood sugar levels) and laxative properties that help to eliminate toxins.
So drinking three cups of burdock tea (infusion drink) can help at treating many maladies and diseases.
Here are just a few:
- Acne
- Diabetes
- Osteoarthritis
- Rheumatism
- Eczema
So it's no wonder that people are returning to these natural means of purifying and healing.
Far too often people depend upon over-the-counter products or pharmaceuticals to address medical problems, when there are a host of other options in the homeopathic area.
And now more than ever, we are living in a time where health food stores are plenteous and offer superior products that will do the job better regarding good overall health.