Health & Medical Acne

Acne Care - Laser Treatment Can Help Cure Acne

If a person is plagued by breakouts and pimples, they may want to try an acne laser treatment.
These treatments have been quite successful in helping people clear up their complexions.
This therapy has been shown to cut down on the problem oil production without damaging the upper layer of skin.
They have also been helpful in alleviating scarring as well as improving the texture of the skin.
Laser treatments also target the bacteria which can cause flare-ups of Propionibacterium Acne (referred to as P.
Acne, for obvious reasons).
Acne can be a difficult skin condition to treat.
The skin malady occurs commonly in the teen years but can continue into adulthood, as well.
Adolescence brings rapid physical changes which include hormonal fluctuations which can contribute to complexion problems.
Over the years, many different methods have been tried to clear up this malady of the skin.
Three of the most popular of such treatments include Blue Light Therapy, Pulsed Light and Heat Energy Therapy, and Diode Treatment.
Further details about each include: - Blue Light Therapy: This therapy has been found to be quite successful in treating P.
A low-intensity blue light beam eradicates the bacteria.
Redness and dryness often occurs as a side effect.
Red light can be combined with the blue, at times, for further effectiveness.
This needs to be repeated several times in order for it to be the most successful.
- Diode Treatment: This targets the sebaceous glands which are in the middle portion of the skin.
The destruction of these glands can make the face clear up.
This laser is able to accomplish this without damaging the top layer.
There is swelling and pain associated with the treatment but the results are reportedly worth it.
- Light and Heat Energy Therapy: Pulsed light and heat work together in order to shrink the sebaceous glands and put a halt to excess oil and bacteria which cause the skin break outs and flare-ups.
The light is of the yellow and green variety.
This treatment works well on mild to moderate cases of acne.
Redness and swelling occur after light and heat treatments, as well.
Laser and light therapies continued to be developed and researched in order to find the best combinations and courses of treatments.
Different types of breakouts respond differently to treatments.
A reputable dermatologist will be able to advise his or her patients of the most appropriate laser treatment for their particular situation.

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