Health & Medical Acne

How to Clear Up Your Acne

If you have been struggling with acne, then you have probably already tried many of the over the counter products available.
Unfortunately, most products don't work as advertised.
If you want to finally get rid of your acne, then you need to get serious and go back to the basics.
Here are a few tips to get your face looking clean and clear again.
Drink More Water If you're like most people, then you probably drink way too much soda, beer, and wine.
You need to keep your body fully hydrated at all times if you want your skin to look great.
Without moisture, your skin can't utilize many of its own self healing properties.
Wash Your Hands and Your Face Regularly Often, acne is caused when too many bacteria get into your pores.
Although you can never eliminate these bacteria completely, it's a good idea to get in the habit of regularly washing your face.
Aim for twice daily.
Keeping your hands clean will ensure that you don't inadvertently transfer bacteria to your face when you touch it.
Finally, never go to bed without first washing off your makeup.
Good Diet Acne can be exacerbated by too many salty and sugary snacks in your diet.
It's important to eat a nutritious diet, not just for your skin, but for your overall health.
Try to work in more lean meat, fruit, and vegetables.
You also want to try to avoid preservatives as much as possible.
Relax This is often easier said than done, but there is no doubt that stress is a huge cause of acne breakouts.
There are many techniques available to reduce your stress level.
You could begin an exercise program, take up yoga, or learn how to meditate.
Find a Good Dermatologist Although you can try everything in your power to control your acne and get your great looking skin back, sometimes it may seem as if nothing you do is getting results.
When this happens, the best course of action is to find a good dermatologist in your area who you can talk to.
Dermatologists generally have years of experience in this area and can usually tell you exactly what to do to get your acne cleared up right away.
Living with acne isn't easy, but there is still hope.
If you follow these tips, your face will soon look great.

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