Motorcycle Sales Training - Salesperson"s Resolution For the New Year
Now's the perfect time to evaluate your performance and improve the five areas that are essential to your business's success.
The start of a new year brings resolutions of all kinds, from quitting that nasty habit to shedding those extra pounds.
But have you put any thought into what your resolutions for your business will be? The beginning of the year is the perfect time to evaluate your performance and improve the areas that will help your business grow.
To help you evaluate your business and your goals, here are the top 5 things I feel all motorcycle salespeople should put on their list of resolutions.
Plan ahead.
The beginning of the year is a good time to sit down and do an immediate one-month and one-year business plan.
Write down the changes or enhancements you want to make and the steps you need to take on a daily basis to bring you closer to your goals.
Taking a long view of where your business is and where you want it to be is also important.
Ask yourself where you want to be in five years, and use your yearly goals to accomplish that.
We have a program available for you called "By the Numbers" which will help you develop your business plans.
Know your customers.
Develop a process to let your customers know how important they are to you.
Customers only want to do business with people they feel care about them.
Creating a trusting relationship with them is especially important for motorcycle salespeople because a strong customer base is what will drive the growth of your business.
Stand out from your competition.
Take a good, hard look at your business, and ask yourself how you've distinguished yourself and your motorcycles from your competition.
Then determine what you'll have to do to put yourself in a position where you're poised to grow.
Focus on your income.
Take a closer look at your aftermarket business opportunities-those related to your business that you think you can make more money from.
Then develop a plan for increasing your profitability from these areas, and watch your income grow this coming year.
Revitalize your business.
Finally, the best way to ensure growth for the new year is to wake up your tired sales process.
Determine what needs to be done to make your business exciting and fun again.
Remember what you did to become successful in the first place, then begin creating that spark that will take you to new levels of success.
The New Year is yours for the taking.
The start of a new year brings resolutions of all kinds, from quitting that nasty habit to shedding those extra pounds.
But have you put any thought into what your resolutions for your business will be? The beginning of the year is the perfect time to evaluate your performance and improve the areas that will help your business grow.
To help you evaluate your business and your goals, here are the top 5 things I feel all motorcycle salespeople should put on their list of resolutions.
Plan ahead.
The beginning of the year is a good time to sit down and do an immediate one-month and one-year business plan.
Write down the changes or enhancements you want to make and the steps you need to take on a daily basis to bring you closer to your goals.
Taking a long view of where your business is and where you want it to be is also important.
Ask yourself where you want to be in five years, and use your yearly goals to accomplish that.
We have a program available for you called "By the Numbers" which will help you develop your business plans.
Know your customers.
Develop a process to let your customers know how important they are to you.
Customers only want to do business with people they feel care about them.
Creating a trusting relationship with them is especially important for motorcycle salespeople because a strong customer base is what will drive the growth of your business.
Stand out from your competition.
Take a good, hard look at your business, and ask yourself how you've distinguished yourself and your motorcycles from your competition.
Then determine what you'll have to do to put yourself in a position where you're poised to grow.
Focus on your income.
Take a closer look at your aftermarket business opportunities-those related to your business that you think you can make more money from.
Then develop a plan for increasing your profitability from these areas, and watch your income grow this coming year.
Revitalize your business.
Finally, the best way to ensure growth for the new year is to wake up your tired sales process.
Determine what needs to be done to make your business exciting and fun again.
Remember what you did to become successful in the first place, then begin creating that spark that will take you to new levels of success.
The New Year is yours for the taking.