Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

How to Keep a Rubber Tree Plant Outside

    • 1). Grow the rubber tree in partial to full shade. The leaves are prone to sunburn if grown in the sun.

    • 2). Water the rubber tree when the top 3 inches of soil is dry to the touch. The ideal way to provide irrigation is with a drip system or a soaker hose placed at the tree's drip-line.

    • 3). Fertilize the rubber tree in spring with a fertilizer labeled for use on acid-loving plants. Azalea fertilizer is an example of this formula and should be applied at the rate listed on the package for the age and size of your tree.

    • 4). Prune the rubber tree plant in the spring to keep it to the size you desire. Cut unwanted branches 1/4 inch above a leaf node. Smear rooting hormone over the cut area on the tree to help the wound callus over.

    • 5). Check the rubber tree plant periodically for signs of insect infestations. Mealybugs, scale and spider mites are common pests on the tree and can be managed with horticultural oil and insecticidal soap sprays. Cover the entire infestation with the product to smother the insects. Use at the rate suggested on the product's label.

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