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The Gutenberg Bible - It Started a Revolution

The Gutenberg Bible was the first substantial book produced with movable type.
It was printed in Mainz, Germany by Johannes Gutenberg for a period of about 3 years starting in 1452.
In 1440 Johannes Gutenberg, a German inventor, had invented a printing press process that with a few modifications remained the principal printing process until the late 20th century.
There are only 5 complete copies of the Gutenberg Bible in the United States.
The first copy of the Gutenberg Bible that caught the worlds attention was discovered around 1760 in the collection of Cardinal Jules Mazarin, a French statesman.
The book is the first volume that is know to have been printed on a machine with movable metal type.
The Gutenberg bible is referred to as the Gutenberg Bible, the Mazarin Bible or the 42 Line Bible because almost all the pages have 42 lines of type.
The Gutenberg Bible was printed in Latin and probably took several years to complete.
The printing was believed to be an edition of about 180 copies.
The colored initials and other Illuminations (decorative accents) had to be hand drawn on each page of the Gutenberg Bible after they were printed.
The text was black and the Headers and Initials in the Gutenberg Bible were red and blue.
The people that added the Initials and headers to the pages of the Gutenberg Bible after printing were called Illuminators.
The Gutenberg Bible was large with over 1280 pages.
The Gutenberg bible was so large it was often bound in twoor more volumes.
The words in the Gutenberg Bible were laid out in two columns.
The text was black and the Headers and Initials in the Gutenberg Bible were red and blue.
The people that added the Initials and headers to the pages of the Gutenberg Bible after printing were called Illuminators.
Of the 180 copies of the Gutenberg Bible that were produced 45 were printed on Vellum and 135 copies of the Gutenberg Bible were printed on paper.
Vellum was animal skin that has been prepared for writing.
When you look at the Gutenberg Bible in terms of design and workmanship the Gutenberg Bible has a place as one of the finest of all printed books.
It is estimated that only 48 copies of the Gutenberg Bible survive.

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