Making Money Online and Mindset - What Does One Have To Do With The Other?
You probably guessed it.
EVERYTHING! And it doesn't matter whether it's making money online like affiliate marketing, or working a j-o-b in your community like 'sales' or just trying to ride the 'roller coaster' of life like being a good friend, neighbor, role model, teacher, parent...
I think you get my point here? Your mindset will be the difference in success or failure! But let's just stay with making money on the internet - OK? To begin with, you must realize that the odds for success are not in your favor.
Every day thousands of internet businesses are started.
Of those internet businesses that will be launched today, ninety percent (90%) will not be around in 120 days.
Yes, you read that right! Statistics say that you only have a 10% chance of actually making a success of your internet business.
And those are not very good odds.
If you were a betting person, winning against those odds would be a lost cause.
Now that's the down side, but...
anywhere there's a downside, there is always an upside.
That upside is...
success is possible.
There are many, many individuals that do succeed in this line of work.
The thing is, online success doesn't happen by chance.
Making money online happens because individuals have the right mindset about internet and affiliate marketing and how it works.
They don't expect to get rich quick or be able to make a killing over night.
Creating and running a successful internet business of any kind, especially for a beginner, requires learning certain skills, understanding how it all works, emulating proven methods and taking action.
In other words - hard work and self-discipline.
Those that think they can sleep until noon and then make a living in three or four hours sitting in front of a computer very quickly get that proverbial 'slap in the face'.
For some reason they think that the online world is just going to automatically find their website and fork over money.
Well, guess what - that's not going to happen.
The success of your internet business really is up to you.
If you're successful, the credit will all go to you and if you fail, you'll have to own up to that too.
Every decision will be yours to make.
If you make wise choices then you'll claim victory.
If you make unwise choices then your internet business will crash and burn along with your hopes and dreams.
I firmly believe that if you can 'fog a mirror', you're capable of achieving more.
Mathematicians and statisticians have put a number on how many people in this world fulfill their potential.
And what is that number, it's 3%.
So they're saying that only 3% of people fulfill their potential.
That's all! But - and this is important - what does that 3% really represent? It represents what I consider as Good News! And that is - 3% of the world's population is still 198 million people.
Are you going to be one of the 198 million? More Good News - You Can Be! When talking to successful people there is a common theme.
They all say...
there are either results or excuses.
" Also important to know is that it's been proven time after time after time - those who get results - have focused on the end result BEFORE they got there.
Despite what some might think - envisioning the end result is not some hocus pocus magic.
Fortune 500 companies train their people using this exact principle as one of their strategies.
Jack Canfield - the bestselling author of 'Chicken Soup for the Soul' said that envisioning success before it happened was the one thing that helped him stay motivated to achieve it.
At this point I would like to share a few real life examples of individuals who envisioned success before they got there - and what he experts, mathematicians and statisticians told them.
nobody will watch a show about nothing...
" - what Jerry Seinfeld and co-creator Larry David were first told when they began to pitch Seinfeld.
there's no market for it.
If there were, major airlines would be offering it already...
" - conclusion given to Fred Smith, founder of FEDEX.
One of my favorites: "...
personal computers are a hobbyist fad...
" - prediction of IBM, Intel, HP and Atari.
Practice thinking from the end.
EVERYTHING! And it doesn't matter whether it's making money online like affiliate marketing, or working a j-o-b in your community like 'sales' or just trying to ride the 'roller coaster' of life like being a good friend, neighbor, role model, teacher, parent...
I think you get my point here? Your mindset will be the difference in success or failure! But let's just stay with making money on the internet - OK? To begin with, you must realize that the odds for success are not in your favor.
Every day thousands of internet businesses are started.
Of those internet businesses that will be launched today, ninety percent (90%) will not be around in 120 days.
Yes, you read that right! Statistics say that you only have a 10% chance of actually making a success of your internet business.
And those are not very good odds.
If you were a betting person, winning against those odds would be a lost cause.
Now that's the down side, but...
anywhere there's a downside, there is always an upside.
That upside is...
success is possible.
There are many, many individuals that do succeed in this line of work.
The thing is, online success doesn't happen by chance.
Making money online happens because individuals have the right mindset about internet and affiliate marketing and how it works.
They don't expect to get rich quick or be able to make a killing over night.
Creating and running a successful internet business of any kind, especially for a beginner, requires learning certain skills, understanding how it all works, emulating proven methods and taking action.
In other words - hard work and self-discipline.
Those that think they can sleep until noon and then make a living in three or four hours sitting in front of a computer very quickly get that proverbial 'slap in the face'.
For some reason they think that the online world is just going to automatically find their website and fork over money.
Well, guess what - that's not going to happen.
The success of your internet business really is up to you.
If you're successful, the credit will all go to you and if you fail, you'll have to own up to that too.
Every decision will be yours to make.
If you make wise choices then you'll claim victory.
If you make unwise choices then your internet business will crash and burn along with your hopes and dreams.
I firmly believe that if you can 'fog a mirror', you're capable of achieving more.
Mathematicians and statisticians have put a number on how many people in this world fulfill their potential.
And what is that number, it's 3%.
So they're saying that only 3% of people fulfill their potential.
That's all! But - and this is important - what does that 3% really represent? It represents what I consider as Good News! And that is - 3% of the world's population is still 198 million people.
Are you going to be one of the 198 million? More Good News - You Can Be! When talking to successful people there is a common theme.
They all say...
there are either results or excuses.
" Also important to know is that it's been proven time after time after time - those who get results - have focused on the end result BEFORE they got there.
Despite what some might think - envisioning the end result is not some hocus pocus magic.
Fortune 500 companies train their people using this exact principle as one of their strategies.
Jack Canfield - the bestselling author of 'Chicken Soup for the Soul' said that envisioning success before it happened was the one thing that helped him stay motivated to achieve it.
At this point I would like to share a few real life examples of individuals who envisioned success before they got there - and what he experts, mathematicians and statisticians told them.
nobody will watch a show about nothing...
" - what Jerry Seinfeld and co-creator Larry David were first told when they began to pitch Seinfeld.
there's no market for it.
If there were, major airlines would be offering it already...
" - conclusion given to Fred Smith, founder of FEDEX.
One of my favorites: "...
personal computers are a hobbyist fad...
" - prediction of IBM, Intel, HP and Atari.
Practice thinking from the end.