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How to Make a Paper Star Circle

    • 1). Position one piece of paper on a table before you. Make sure the adhesive strip is facing up and that it is at the top of the paper. Fold it in half, matching the left and right edges. Crease the fold and unfold the paper.

    • 2). Fold the top right corner in to meet the center crease you created in the first step. Make sure the adhesive strip is still at the top. The fold will form a triangular flap with one edge along the center crease. The adhesive strip should be inside the fold and will hold the flap down. Crease the fold.

    • 3). Repeat with the top left corner, folding it in to meet the center crease. These two folds are exactly like folding the nose of a paper airplane. Now you have a piece of paper with two flaps at the top that form a point on the paper.

    • 4). Fold the point at the top of the paper down to meet the bottom of the paper at the center crease. Crease the fold. Unfold the paper.

    • 5). Fold the paper in half again along the original crease. Holding the piece of paper in one hand, tuck the bottom right corner inside the fold so that the bottom edge of the flaps meet half the original, creating a parallelogram. This is called squash folding and it should create two equal creases at 45-degree angles from the center of the paper outward to both corners.

    • 6). Make eight of these parallelograms.

    • 7). Connect the parallelograms. Hold one in your left hand, grasping it by the end with the adhesive strip. The open edge should be pointed down toward the floor. The other end will open into a V-shape. Take another parallelogram and hold it the same way in your other hand. Slide its stuck-down end into the V-end of the other parallelogram. Line up the top edge of the second parallelogram with the top edges of the V.

      Once you line up the top edges, you will see two small triangular pieces of the first parallelogram protruding past the top of the second one. Fold these two pieces into the "V" of the second parallelogram to secure them.

    • 8). Continue adding the next six parallelograms in the same manner. Place the parallelogram being added between the folded-down small triangles from the previous addition. Each time you add a parallelogram, it will add a curve. When you add the eighth parallelogram, a circle will be formed. The first and last parallelograms should overlap.

    • 9). Connect the first and last parallelograms in the same manner as all the rest, completing the circle. Be careful not to detach any of the other parallelograms as you do this. You may have to hold it down on the table carefully to get the first piece into the V of the last piece.

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      Create the points of the star by first holding the circle in front of you. Grasp opposite sides of the circle with your thumb and index finger in the middle of two opposite parallelograms. Gently slide the sides of the circle toward the middle. The pieces should slide toward each other about ½ inch on each side. Two points will now protrude above where you pushed.

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      Continue grabbing opposite parallelograms and pushing them toward the middle until all of the parallelograms have been pushed toward their opposites. You will have a circle with eight points.

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