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Is There Inequality in America?

A recent editorial by Ross Douthat of the New York Times hashed over the concept of inequality in the United States.
Does it exist...
and if so, how bad is it? Is the gap between the haves and the have nots getting wider? Let me sum up his conclusion: there is some inequality in our country, but there is probably no way to stop it.
Why? Douthat sees a handful of issues that cause this.
Low income for low skilled immigrants is pushing wages down for some American workers.
These immigrants (legal and illegal) are not pursuing upward mobility like other groups have done in the past.
Therefore, wages stay low.
The lack of two parent households cuts income for many families dramatically.
Makes sense to me.
The remaining culprits are a failing educational system in some parts of this country, and a desperate hope that the government will take care of everything.
Bill Cosby once said that if young people of any race here in America would simply adhere to some basic cultural rules they would stay out of the ranks of poverty and all the negatives that come with that poverty.
Here are the rules: graduate from high school, get a job, don't have children out of wedlock, and don't get married until you're 21 or older.
These are not difficult rules at all.
These rules used to be the very minimum that our society expected out of all young people as they moved toward adulthood.
Not anymore for some groups.
So, where is the inequality? It's not in our economic system...
it's not capitalism.
It is proven time and time again that anyone can become successful here in the USA.
I think the inequality comes from breaking the rules.
Much of the pressure to keep wages lower comes from people that are here illegally.
Those that come to this country the right way get involved in a somewhat orderly system of learning how to pursue the American dream properly.
Young people need to understand discipline is a part of life.
The rule is do the basics that are needed to get to first base in life.
Graduate, get a job, and have children after you are married.
It is way too easy for those who are disappointed with life to say everything is against them, the rules only favor the rich, blah blah blah.
Put yourself on a level playing field first (follow the rules) and you can achieve so much in life.
Equality is there if you go looking for it.
Follow the rules and equality is all over the place.

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