America Uses 60% of All the Energy in The World - Yah, Interesting Data But So What?
Not long ago, I was watching a "Ted Video" on the Internet and I heard a reoccurring comment and statement by one of the presenters.
First, they lambasted the United States of America for energy usage, and then they threw out the figure that America uses 60% of all the energy that created in the world.
Really, what about the energy from the waves of the ocean, geothermal from plate tectonics, or the Sun's energy that hits our planet? They were referring of course to our oil, natural gas, coal, and electricity consumption.
Indeed that is an interesting statistic, we also live in a first world nation, and our citizenry lives of the top of the food chain, with the strongest middle class anywhere in the world.
So that should not only be expected, but I have to ask the question; "so what?" Using lots of energy is our prerogative, and if we pay for it, and produce it, it's ours to use, the universe is not short on energy.
And since matter cannot be created or destroyed, only converted, we are not doing anything to hurt the natural order of the universe; it's just energy for God sakes what's the problem? You see, these global warming alarmists, environmentalists, and even the eco-terrorists want everyone to feel guilty for living in a great nation that has cheap energy.
I don't feel guilty, I feel privileged and lucky to be born here.
This is a good thing - certainly not a bad thing - if we are concerned with the pollution component, then we need to work on clean coal technologies so they don't put out as much CO2, or other noxious gases.
If we are concerned with oil, then we need more fuel efficient transportation.
If we are concerned with using up all the natural gas, then I guess we'll have to find some new energy to use in the future, but we shouldn't we let supply and demand and free-market solve that problem.
It is a completely illogical and silly argument to claim that the United States is somehow bad because it uses 60% of all the energy in the world, even though we have only 5% of the population.
So what? If other nations created more energy generation and electricity for their citizens, then they would use more per capita that we would, and actually there are some nations who do use more than us per capita.
Don't let the people in the United Nations, The Futurists, the Socialist Liberal Think Tanks, or these Utopian Tedsters tell you that the United States of America is bad because it uses lots of energy.
That simply isn't true - the truth is the United States of America is by far and away the greatest nation that has ever been created in the history of all of mankind.
That's the only truth you need to know about.
The rest of it is just anger, jealousy, and resentment from a group of folks that want you to serve their will at the expense of our economy.
Tell them to take-a-hike.
Please consider all this.
First, they lambasted the United States of America for energy usage, and then they threw out the figure that America uses 60% of all the energy that created in the world.
Really, what about the energy from the waves of the ocean, geothermal from plate tectonics, or the Sun's energy that hits our planet? They were referring of course to our oil, natural gas, coal, and electricity consumption.
Indeed that is an interesting statistic, we also live in a first world nation, and our citizenry lives of the top of the food chain, with the strongest middle class anywhere in the world.
So that should not only be expected, but I have to ask the question; "so what?" Using lots of energy is our prerogative, and if we pay for it, and produce it, it's ours to use, the universe is not short on energy.
And since matter cannot be created or destroyed, only converted, we are not doing anything to hurt the natural order of the universe; it's just energy for God sakes what's the problem? You see, these global warming alarmists, environmentalists, and even the eco-terrorists want everyone to feel guilty for living in a great nation that has cheap energy.
I don't feel guilty, I feel privileged and lucky to be born here.
This is a good thing - certainly not a bad thing - if we are concerned with the pollution component, then we need to work on clean coal technologies so they don't put out as much CO2, or other noxious gases.
If we are concerned with oil, then we need more fuel efficient transportation.
If we are concerned with using up all the natural gas, then I guess we'll have to find some new energy to use in the future, but we shouldn't we let supply and demand and free-market solve that problem.
It is a completely illogical and silly argument to claim that the United States is somehow bad because it uses 60% of all the energy in the world, even though we have only 5% of the population.
So what? If other nations created more energy generation and electricity for their citizens, then they would use more per capita that we would, and actually there are some nations who do use more than us per capita.
Don't let the people in the United Nations, The Futurists, the Socialist Liberal Think Tanks, or these Utopian Tedsters tell you that the United States of America is bad because it uses lots of energy.
That simply isn't true - the truth is the United States of America is by far and away the greatest nation that has ever been created in the history of all of mankind.
That's the only truth you need to know about.
The rest of it is just anger, jealousy, and resentment from a group of folks that want you to serve their will at the expense of our economy.
Tell them to take-a-hike.
Please consider all this.