How to Read Your FBI File
U.S. citizens are permitted to request and obtain copies of their own FBI files through the Freedom of Information Act. Because of this, obtaining your FBI file has become surprisingly easy in recent years. Once you have a copy in hand, however, you will likely discover the difficulty in trying to d
How to Cite Works in an Article
You've got your first assignment and are just about to write your first article. You've interviewed sources, done background research, created an outline or even a first draft. But you're shaky on how exactly to cite your printed sources. Book authors require one format, book editors another. There'
Current Vs Capital Expenses
When you run a business, you're allowed to deduct expenses from your earnings before you calculate profit for the purpose of paying taxes. These deductions fall into two categories.
Common Law Marriages and the Estate Process
I'm a female living in Massachusetts. I've lived with my partner (male) for twenty five years. I've wanted to get married all this time but he doesn't believe in it. He wrote a will and had it notarized five years ago by one of the accountants at work who was a notary public leav
How to Find Shadow Pikachu
Shadow Pokemon are only found in two Pokemon games: "Pokemon Colosseum" and "Pokemon XD: Gales of Darkness," both released for the Nintendo Gamecube. Shadow Pokemon are different from regular Pokemon in the sense that they have a purple glow and do not always obey their trainers. Once you have caugh
How to Cite a Webpage
When writing a formal paper or other document, you must cite your references. Citing a webpage requires you to provide specific information about what the site is, who provided the information, when the information was provided and when you referenced it. Cited webpages are usually listed at the end
What Protections Are Afforded to Citizens by the Fourth, Fifth & Sixth Amendments?
Some of our most fundamental rights are enshrined in the few short sentences of the fourth, fifth and sixth amendments to the U.S. Constitution --- three of the first 10 amendments to that document that are collectively known as the Bill of Rights. These three paragraphs, along with the Seventh Amen
Keep Your Family Legacy in the Family With a Private Foundation
How would you feel if your family heirloom has to be given to a complete stranger? Yet again, how would you feel if all or most of your family legacy, trust funds or family estate, that had been in the family for generations, has to be given away to the government as a form of paying a tax?
Should I Have a Will Created?
In today's age and times, we strongly feel that every single person in the United States requires a will or testament. I often hear different people inquiring as to whether they should have a will or not. As a minimum guideline, if you possess property or have very young children, it would be w
Understanding Estate Planning
Planning an estate is required to delegate control and manage the assets you own before your death. It allows the distribution of assets to occur as planned based on preferences. Factors that affect estate planning vary according to ....
How to Find Out Whether an Inmate Is Deceased
Because it can be difficult to keep up with someone who has been incarcerated, you might find you need to check whether the inmate is alive or has passed away. However, finding out information about inmates in the United States is easy. Once someone commits a crime in the U.S., he loses much of the
What Are the Duties of an Executor of a Will in Florida?
Under Florida law, the executor or personal representative is the person named by the decedent to collect, account for and distribute the assets of the estate as it was outlined in the will. While the executor is given the power to make decisions on behalf of the estate, he must do so...
The Industrial Relations Act of Trinidad
The Industrial Relactions Act of Trinidad & Tobago is an extensive, 67-sectioned act that incorporates several elements of the nation's industrial economy and labor force. The act includes provisions and regulations for dealing with worker disputes.
How to Write a Legal Statement of Fact
In a civil trial, the law itself is usually not up for debate. But the facts might be, and they can determine which laws are applicable. To a large extent, legal confrontation in the lower courts is an attempt to present the facts of the case in a way that prompt an application of law that leads to
Iowa Living Trust Vs. Will
Wills and living trusts are important estate planning mechanisms to transfer property to others before or after your death. Iowa has certain requirements for both to be valid and the benefits of both should be discussed with an attorney prior to creation.
How to Spot a Fake Green Card
The purpose of a United States green card, or permanent resident card, is to prove your legal residency in the U.S. if you were not born a U.S. citizen. Someone may become desperate if he has not yet obtained a green card and his temporary visa is due to expire and create a fake green card. A fake g
How to Obtain a Cook County, Illinois, Will for Genealogy Research
Cook County, Illinois wills can be a major source of information for genealogical researchers. Wills can be obtained in the offices of the Cook County Circuit Clerk of the Court, located in Daley Center in Chicago. The legal name of the decedent and date of death are required pieces of information.
How to Amend a Birth Record in Kentucky
Requests to amend birth records in Kentucky are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. In accordance with Kentucky law, generally the only changes that are approved are those that a) establish paternity; b) correct an obvious error; or, c) change the subject's name. Amendments can only be requested by t
Forms for Gifting a Deed of Property in Virginia
A deed is a written instrument used to transfer ownership of property from one individual to another. When property is given as a gift, the two types of deeds most commonly used are gift deeds and quitclaim deeds. The deed must be signed, notarized and witnessed by two parties who have no ownership
The Structure of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) regulates commodities futures and options markets. The CFTC consists of five commissioners, the Offices of the Chairman and advisory committees.