Wills & trusts : Law & Legal & Attorney

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How to Understand Warrants

How to Understand Warrants

Watch enough crime dramas and you're bound to hear terms such as "probable cause," "constitutional rights" and "warrant." While the terms are practically clichés in the entertainment business, they have serious meaning to the citizens of the United States. Pursuant to the Fourth Amendment of
How to Create a Time Line on iWork

How to Create a Time Line on iWork

If you have information that you want to present in a chronological fashion, you can make a time line on your Mac using Pages, one of the programs in the iWork suite of applications. Apple's iWorks includes Numbers, a spreadsheet application; Keynote, a slideshow presentation application; and Pages,
How to Differentiate Between Primitive & User-Created Methods

How to Differentiate Between Primitive & User-Created Methods

Programming languages are comprised of inherent primitive types that form the foundation of the language. No matter the language, a "primitive type" is typically a small or basic value that you can use as a building block in creating your own, user-created programming objects.Some programming langua
How to Represent a Disability

How to Represent a Disability

As United Nations Enable points out, "deep and persistent negative stereotypes and prejudices against persons with certain conditions and differences" exist throughout the world. Numerous images of disabled people in mass media like film, television, print and the Internet perpetuate these stereotyp
How to Amend an Easement in California

How to Amend an Easement in California

An easement gives a property owner permission foe limited use of a portion of another person's property for a specified reason. This can be created by deed or ontract. When properties change hands, the needs of the owners change as well. This can make it necessary to amend an existing easement. In C
How to Find a Probated Will in Texas

How to Find a Probated Will in Texas

Under Texas law, all wills admitted to probate are public records, a copy of which can be obtained by any interested member of the public. In every Texas county, the clerk of court for the probate court is responsible for maintaining copies of all probate records, including wills admitted to probate
How to Obtain Free Identification Cards in Pennsylvania

How to Obtain Free Identification Cards in Pennsylvania

A photo identification card is available in the state of Pennsylvania for any residents over the age of 10. To apply for the card, you must go in person to one of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Driver License Centers. There is only one case in which the identification card is free: if
Left Out of a Will?

Left Out of a Will?

In the UK, anyone who feels they have been inadequately provided for in a Will has the right to challenge it. Regardless of whether you are a relative, a friend or simply an acquaintance of the deceased, you may want to challenge a Will because you believe that the deceased was not of sound mind whe
How to Create a Mesh Hat

How to Create a Mesh Hat

Mesh hats contain your hair during hot summer months without overheating your head. The mesh allows your scalp to breathe and lets the air in to dry any sweat. Create a mesh hat using an old ball cap or safari hat. Replace the entire top of the hat with mesh, leaving only the brim, or weave the mesh
How to Transfer a Deed Without an Attorney

How to Transfer a Deed Without an Attorney

If you have sold or otherwise need to transfer real estate, you may think you need to hire an attorney. Specifically, if you think you need legal representation to transfer a deed to real estate following a sale or another decision to transfer property, that's not the case. The reality is that in mo
How to Prove Undue Influence

How to Prove Undue Influence

This is an article on how to prove Undue Influence in Wills.
How to Find a Court Report From 1984

How to Find a Court Report From 1984

Each county in the United States has a designated office for maintaining all court records. This position is often known as the clerk of court or the county recorder. If you are in need of a court record from decades ago, this is the office to assist you in your search. If the case is in federal cou
How to Request a New York Driver History

How to Request a New York Driver History

A driver history is a state's official report on the driver's record. This includes information about driving violations and involvement in accidents. This document is the primary source of information for those hiring employees for driving jobs. This verification is an important part of background
The Disadvantages of a Living Trust - A Lawyer's Confession

The Disadvantages of a Living Trust - A Lawyer's Confession

At the many trust seminars I have held over the years, I have often heard the question, "What are the disadvantages of a Living Trust?" My answer has always been "They are so few and so minor that they should not be considerations in your decision regarding establishing a trust."
How to Find Recombinant Offspring

How to Find Recombinant Offspring

Recombinant offspring are those children whose genes contain a non-parental allele combination. If one parent with the allele combination Aa Bb mated with a parent with the allele combination aa bb, for instance, then a child with the allele combination AA bb would be recombinant because neither all
How to Read a DMV Report

How to Read a DMV Report

Deciphering a report from the Department of Motor Vehicles can seem daunting at first, but once you know where to look for the information, the concept becomes much simpler. It is possible that your DMV report may include incorrect information that can adversely affect your life, which is why it is
How to Find a Property Description in Van Buren County, Michigan

How to Find a Property Description in Van Buren County, Michigan

A property description details exactly where the property lines begin and end; it can also include information on a building's layout. This is useful when trying to determine land boundaries or verifying if an addition, either to a building or land, was added with a permit. There are two ways to fin
How to Re-Find a Craigslist Posting With Outlook

How to Re-Find a Craigslist Posting With Outlook

When you have a Craigslist account, you can log into the account and easily access your previous listings, which is helpful if you want to edit or renew a listing. If you are adding a Craigslist listing without creating an account, however, Craigslist sends you an encrypted link by email that you ca
Can an LLC Operating Agreement Be Amended?

Can an LLC Operating Agreement Be Amended?

LLCs, or limited liability companies, are a simple form of business ownership. LLCs can be single member or multi-member organizations. LLCs are governed by written operating agreements that can be changed and amended over time as deemed necessary by the owners.
Pets and Estate Planning

Pets and Estate Planning

If you're a pet owner, it's likely that you see your pet as a member of your family. This being the case, you want to make sure that your pet has a happy, comfortable life even if you can't be there to take care of it. What are some of your options for ensuring that this happens?