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Current Vs Capital Expenses

When you run a business, you're allowed to deduct expenses from your earnings before you calculate profit for the purpose of paying taxes.
These deductions fall into two categories: •Current Expenses •Capital Expenses Which category an expense falls into is determined by when you can take a deduction for it.
For example, some expenditures have to be deducted in the year they are incurred but some expenses can be carried over several future years.
Expenses that have to be deducted in the year they occur are called Current Expenses while those that can be carried on for more years are called Capital Expenses.
Current Expenses.
The daily costs of maintaining and running your business like rent, electricity bills, and phone bills are all Current Expenses.
The tax rules for deducting these expenses are simple.
You simply have to subtract the total amount from the gross income of your business in the year the expenses have taken place.
Capital Expenses.
Some expenses like those for buying equipment, land, and vehicles cannot be deducted as current expenses.
This is because these assets are expected to generate revenue in future years.
Therefore, these expenses are actually investments also.
These expenses have to be deducted over a period of years, and how many years is governed by specific tax rules that apply to different types of property.
In general, if you buy an item for your business that has a useful duration of one year or more, then you have to spread out your deduction for that item over a period of more than one year.
Of course, there are exceptions, and there are absolute limits also on how many years you can continue depreciation of an asset.
Figuring out what property belongs in which category can sometimes by tricky.
It's important to seek sound advice when it comes to your business taxes.
Your tax advisor can tell you about bonus deductions and how the cost of improving your business like repairs or re-wiring that might appear as current expenses but are to be capitalized.

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