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How to Cite Works in an Article

    • 1). To cite a book with a single author, list the author's name and the title of the book. Then in parentheses, type the place of publication followed by a colon. Add the name of the publisher and the date of publication and then close the parentheses. Outside of the parentheses, add a comma and then the specific page number to which you refer.


      Author, Book Title (Place: Publisher, date), page number.

      If the book involves an editor or translator in place of an author, type the name of the editor or translator, followed by an identifier, in place of the author name.

      Editor, ed., Book Title (Place: Publisher, date), page number.

      Translator, trans., Book Title (Place: Publisher, date), page number.

    • 2). To cite a piece published in a volume of collected works, use the following format:

      Author (s), "Title of Work," in Title of Book, ed. Editor(s), page numbers

      (Place: Publisher, date).

    • 3). Cite newspaper and magazine articles this way:

      Author, "Article Title," Newspaper or Magazine Title, date, page.

      Articles from scholarly journals should be referred to like this:

      Author, "Article Title," Journal Title Volume. Number (date): pages.

    • 4). Movies released on DVD or VHS should be cited like this:

      Film Title, DVD/VHS, directed by Director (release date; production

      location: Production Company, date of DVD/VHS printing).

    • 5). If you used online sources, cite them according to article style, adding the URL to the end of the citation, followed by, in parentheses, the date you accessed the Web to read the article.

    • 6). To cite a dissertation, use the following format:

      Author, "Title" (PhD diss./master's thesis, university, date).

      A paper presented at a conference, workshop or meeting, should be acknowledged this way:

      Author, "Title" (presented at the [description of meeting], location, date).

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