Living Trust Tax Planning
If you are considering a living trust as your primary estate planning document, you should be concerned about living trust tax planning if the total estate value for you and your spouse is greater than $3,500,000.00.This figure of $3,500,000.00 is the amount the federal government allows you to pass
How to Search Copyright Names
A copyright is "the exclusive legal right to reproduce, publish, sell, or distribute the matter and form of something (as a literary, musical, or artistic work)," as defined by Merriam Webster's dictionary. Copyrights are considered "intellectual property" and are registered through the United State
Last Will and Testament
The article explains in details, what a Last Will and Testament is and what are its purposes. The article also discusses the terms and conditions governing a Last will and testament documents, its classifications and guidelines to be followed while preparing and documenting this legal instrument.
Why You Should or Shouldn't Choose a Corporate Fiduciary
When it comes to naming fiduciaries, many people find it difficult to choose the right family member or friend. In many situations a corporate fiduciary, such as a bank or trust company, may be the best choice.
Changing a Will After a Persons Death
A deceased persons will can be changed within two years of their death. In order to make the change a "deed of variation" or "deed of family arrangement" needs to be drafted, agreed to and signed by all the beneficiaries of the deceased original will that would be effected. Why m
How to Find the Length of the Sides of an Octagon Based on Diameter
An octagon can have two types of diameters. Both diameters result from a regular octagon, in which each side is equal in length and each angle between two intersecting sides measures 135 degrees. One type of diameter measures the perpendicular distance between two parallel sides, with half of this d
Protect, Provide & Profit - A Family Limited Partnership
Wealth builders are finding that this entity allows them to pass on their estate's equity, retain control of the properties, reduce tax rates and protect the assets from lawsuits. Its called a Family Limited Partnership.
DIY Family Trust
A family trust relieves the tax burden on a family and protects family assets after a family member dies by equally distributing the estate among the beneficiaries. Assets are distributed according to the trust documents. When a person dies, trust beneficiaries avoid probate court -- a long, costly
Time Limits on Estate Executor Duties in California
The probate process involves an estate executor handling all financial issues and property of a decedent's estate. There are various petitions to file in the probate process, all having a timeline of when they should be filed. California has deadlines for executors to follow when executing their dut
How to Invalidate a Living Trust Based on Mental Competency
To most, a living trust--more formally known as a Revocable Living Trust or a Family Trust--is much like a will. Unlike a will, assets are transferred into the living trust in a manner called funding. This funding does not relinquish control of the assets. Once transferred, you can still buy, sel
Simple Will Form Information
A person who is at least 18 years of age can complete a will and is referred to in the will as the testator. An emancipated minor can also complete a will. A will does not have to be worded in any particular way to be legal, as long as it is signed as required by Florida law.
How to Deed a Property
Deeds are certificates that define the ownership of a piece of property, and are used to transfer ownership of that property. Deeds show the names of the person assigning the property, the person receiving it and a description of the property itself. Possessing the deed to a property gives certain
How Often Can You Gift in Estate Planning?
Throughout the process of estate planning, you may wish to give assets or cash to family and friends. While there is nothing wrong with giving away part of your wealth, it could lead to some tax liability. Understanding the rules associated with gift taxes can help you convey your wealth without bei
Rules for Last Will & Testament
A last will and testament is a written document that states what an individual---known as the testator---would like to happen with his property and other assets after his death. Wills are governed by very specific rules that dictate how the document should be written to ensure that the testator's wi
Can I Be the Executor to My Parents' Wills If I Am on Disability?
Even though you have a disability, nothing in the law precludes you from being appointed as an executor of your parent's estate. You should, however, assess, given your disability, whether you should accept the position, and, at a minimum, encourage your parents to appoint an alternate or co-executo
How to Create a Boudoir Bedroom
The word boudoir is French for bedroom, but it carries romantic connotations. A boudoir is a place to relax, to feel romantic and sensual. In order to create this feeling in a room, specific paint colors, fabrics and furniture styles must be used. While everyone's personal style is different, there
Estate Planning: Should I Create an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust?
Why Would I Want to Create an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust? When it comes to estate taxes, a life insurance policy is included as part of the gross estate. Therefore, a sizable insurance policy may cause an estate tax burden on an insured's estate decreasing the beneficiaries share.
How to Create a 220 Outlet for a Dryer
A home appliance that uses a lot of electricity, such as an oven range, water heater or dryer, cannot use a standard 110-volt electrical line because it would overload the circuit. Instead, these appliances must be wired to a 220- or 240-volt line. The installation process for a 220-volt dryer outle
How to Find a Person by Street Name
It once was a nearly impossible task to locate a person by street name only; it would require going to a county clerk's office and searching local tax records. With the Internet, finding a person using just a street name is relatively easy, as there are many online directories and reverse look-up op
How to Find the Most Common Isotope
Though the chemical properties of an element's isotopes are virtually identical, isotopes often differ dramatically in stability and radioactivity. The prevalence of an isotope on Earth can be determined by the standard atomic weight of the element and information about the abundance of the element'