The Structure of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission
- The president, with advice and consent from the Senate, appoints five commissioners to serve on the CFTC. The president designates one of the five commissioners to serve as chair of the CFTC. The commissioners also chair CFTC advisory committees.
- The Agricultural Advisory Committee (AAC) provides advice to the commission on agricultural commodity futures and options. The AAC consists of representatives from farm advocacy groups and agribusiness. The AAC submits reports and recommendations to the commission but has no authority to develop policy.
- The Energy and Environmental Advisory Committee (EEAC) provides advice to the commission on energy and environmental futures markets. The EEAC consists of industry, academic and government representatives.
- The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the CFTC established a joint advisory committee to analyze issues of concern to both agencies, including emerging regulatory risks and their potential effect on investors and market participants. The SEC-CFTC advisory committee also evaluates market structure issues that may contribute to market volatility.