Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Use Self Affirmations the Right Way!

There's talk by people who claim that practicing self affirmations can really be effective.
That it really bring positive changes and success to many areas in their lives.
However, there are others who do not experience this.
They claim that despite practicing self affirmations for some time, they still do not see any results from it.
So why are there 2 contradictory opinions? What makes the difference between these 2 groups? First of all, let us understand what self affirmation is.
Self affirmation is the act of repeatedly affirming what you desire to have.
This can be done in a similar way to reciting or chanting out your affirmations.
There are no limitations to what you can affirm for.
You can practically do self affirmations for almost anything.
Here's an example of a self affirmation; - "Everyday in every way I am getting healthier and healthier" An affirmation is just a simple statement like that.
Or lose the "everyday in every way".
Just go something like "I am getting more and more healthy".
Affirmations are made with 'I am', 'I can' and 'I will' statements.
Such as "I am confident" or "I can be confident" etc.
How Affirmations Work Practicing self affirmation works because of the power of intention.
Affirmations are not just all talk and no action.
Chanting affirmations signal of your intent to the universe.
You are declaring it to everyone and everything in the universe.
The brain cannot differentiate between reality and something you imagine vividly.
The more intense and real you make the imagination; the more your brain will accept it as reality.
It is the same with chanting affirmations.
When you do it with high intensity and emotion and the brain would accept it as reality too.
This is why self affirmations work.
The more you repetitions of the affirmations, the more 'real' it becomes to the brain.
So why does it not work for some people? So how come there are people who say that self affirmations don't work? Is the power of intention real? Will the brain actually feel that you're just kidding yourself? Well there are basically 2 reasons why it does not work for some people.
The first reason is because they are not doing the affirmations correctly.
What do I mean by that? As stated earlier the power of intention is displayed when we are repeating affirmations with power, passion, emotion and intensity.
When there's no power, no passion, there's no belief.
The brain would immediately reject the affirmation when it is done in a weak, uninspired manner.
The second reason is because of lack of congruence after practicing the affirmation.
Remember that practicing affirmations is not the final act.
After the doing the affirmation, you must still put in your effort to work together with it.
You must try your best to live your life congruently with it.
That is the mind-set to have when it comes to affirmations.
Self affirmations should not be considered as the end all solution.
We must work with it.
Be determined to help the affirmation take effect by putting in the effort to change our lives to reflect the affirmation.
Copyright (c) Ethan Beh

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