Personal Development Essentials - 7 Steps to Achieving Your Own Personal Development
Define What do you want to achieve.
There is lots of great information out there from Anthony Robbins to Tim Ferris, from Doctor Phil to Jim Rohn.
Despite what some people may tell you it's not a case of one size fits all.
Spend some time defining what you want to achieve.
Do you want Relationship advice, guidance on financial freedom, career advice, motivation or a mixture of everything? Get precise! 2.
Prioritize and work on one area at a time.
Initially there may be certain issues that are more pressing than others.
Identify the most important areas and prioritize the order you will tackle them.
For the best results focus and work through one area at a time (Finances, Health, Relationships etc) before moving on to the next one.
Choose the specific mentor or program that works for you.
Pick a style suits you.
Do you want the laid back approach of someone like Jim Rohn or the full on in your face methods of somebody like Anthony Robbins? I believe that if we have a choice of medicines and each one is comparatively effective, we are more likely to take the one we like the taste of on a daily basis.
Decide on your budget.
The balance of your bank account does not necessarily dictate the amount of money you need to allocate to your personal development budget.
Some people get just as much motivation out of an Anthony Robbins CD set, as attending one of his seminars; others need to be there in person.
Your budget should include the amount of time you are allotting (Not just the money) to your personal development.
TAKE ACTION! Personal development can become an addiction but however much you decide to spend on yourself, ensure that you act on your investment.
All the books, CD's, Courses and seminars in the world are only words if you don't take action! Even if you only start with a small action START! 6.
Don't go off track- Follow one program and stick to it.
You have taken the time to determine on a specific program so stick with it for your results.
It is too easy to switch from one resource to another if you don't receive immediate results.
By all means experience other mentors and courses but carry out the actions that your current program instructs for a reasonable amount of time.
21 days of repetition is the prescribed time for an action to become a habit but if you have committed to a 30 day program, you owe it to yourself to work on it for at least 30 days.
Rinse and repeat.
Once you have achieved your results in the first area, if the program is also relevant for other areas that you are working on, repeat the process in the next area.
Most of the information that is out there in the personal development world is different versions of the same message.
This doesn't mean that you have to stop with just one author or mentor If the initial mentor doesn't have anything for the next area and your current program isn't relevant, look at similar mentors.
You have found a style that works for you why not continue with that style?
Define What do you want to achieve.
There is lots of great information out there from Anthony Robbins to Tim Ferris, from Doctor Phil to Jim Rohn.
Despite what some people may tell you it's not a case of one size fits all.
Spend some time defining what you want to achieve.
Do you want Relationship advice, guidance on financial freedom, career advice, motivation or a mixture of everything? Get precise! 2.
Prioritize and work on one area at a time.
Initially there may be certain issues that are more pressing than others.
Identify the most important areas and prioritize the order you will tackle them.
For the best results focus and work through one area at a time (Finances, Health, Relationships etc) before moving on to the next one.
Choose the specific mentor or program that works for you.
Pick a style suits you.
Do you want the laid back approach of someone like Jim Rohn or the full on in your face methods of somebody like Anthony Robbins? I believe that if we have a choice of medicines and each one is comparatively effective, we are more likely to take the one we like the taste of on a daily basis.
Decide on your budget.
The balance of your bank account does not necessarily dictate the amount of money you need to allocate to your personal development budget.
Some people get just as much motivation out of an Anthony Robbins CD set, as attending one of his seminars; others need to be there in person.
Your budget should include the amount of time you are allotting (Not just the money) to your personal development.
TAKE ACTION! Personal development can become an addiction but however much you decide to spend on yourself, ensure that you act on your investment.
All the books, CD's, Courses and seminars in the world are only words if you don't take action! Even if you only start with a small action START! 6.
Don't go off track- Follow one program and stick to it.
You have taken the time to determine on a specific program so stick with it for your results.
It is too easy to switch from one resource to another if you don't receive immediate results.
By all means experience other mentors and courses but carry out the actions that your current program instructs for a reasonable amount of time.
21 days of repetition is the prescribed time for an action to become a habit but if you have committed to a 30 day program, you owe it to yourself to work on it for at least 30 days.
Rinse and repeat.
Once you have achieved your results in the first area, if the program is also relevant for other areas that you are working on, repeat the process in the next area.
Most of the information that is out there in the personal development world is different versions of the same message.
This doesn't mean that you have to stop with just one author or mentor If the initial mentor doesn't have anything for the next area and your current program isn't relevant, look at similar mentors.
You have found a style that works for you why not continue with that style?