You Must Do What You Think You Cannot Do - Eleanor Roosevelt
How many times have you come to this point?The opportunity is here now.
You think, "Yes!"Immediately you begin to think:What will _____ think?What about the kids?I don't have the money that this is certainly going to cost.
I'm too old.
I don't speak the language.
I don't have the education.
Things are working so well for me here and now.
It's only three more years until I retire with full benefits.
These thoughts are seldom the empowering.
You could instead, for a few days look at the same opportunity and simply change your thoughts and questions.
Wow!What an opportunity!I could learn another language!I can shake myself up a bit!How could I make this work for my kids?How can I raise the money for the inevitable costs?How can I quickly learn the things that are necessary for me to know right away? Instead, you do what medical intuitive, Carolyn Myss calls, running it by your first chakra tribe's belief systems.
What would my parents, spouse, church, friends, employer, neighbor, therapist, and children think?Inevitably, the answer in two seconds is, "Don't do it!"They fear for your safety, for you leaving them, for your financial situation, and they project their own fears and jealousies into your situation.
In the end, if you want to keep your friends and family in your constant circle of support, you just let go of the opportunity.
You return to your job, to your daily life, and the ease and comfort of your home and friends.
You watch the super bowl with the same friends again this year, knit another sweater, run to the market for the same food you eat every week and generally settle for a life that is less than your soul desires, but which is easy, comfortable and known.
It's not so bad, after all...
Until, one day you meet a tiger on the path, and you're looking like lunch.
The husband takes off with his secretary.
The children are now grown and off in various parts of the world.
The company you've given 23 years to folds and you're sent home with no financial package and no matching retirement fund.
You've had a heart attack, or cancer, or some other debilitating body challenge, and it's put you in debt for the next 25 years.
What you most likely were never taught in school, by your family or church is to ask happy and empowering questions when a life decision is to be made.
But there are empowering answers that can incorporate the feelings and needs of the family and friend groups that we belong to.
And, empowering questions always bring powerful answers and help from every corner of the globe that will help you to reach out courageously for your happiness.
When an opportunity of awe and wonderment, expansion and exciting possibilities comes to you, ask these questions: oHow can I..
oWhat must I do to..
oGiven that my friends (spouse, employer, church, etc.
) might not support this, how can I..
oWhere can I go for more information? oWho could help me with this? oWhere can I obtain ...
(the money, the information, the education, the time, the energy...
) oWhat are the possible benefits of this opportunity (or challenge)? You might also meet a tiger on this path, but now you come strong enough to meet it.
You come with the empowerment of a warrior.
And the whole world will rise up to help and protect one of its own courageous children.
You Must Do That Which You Think You Cannot Do - Eleanor Roosevelt
You think, "Yes!"Immediately you begin to think:What will _____ think?What about the kids?I don't have the money that this is certainly going to cost.
I'm too old.
I don't speak the language.
I don't have the education.
Things are working so well for me here and now.
It's only three more years until I retire with full benefits.
These thoughts are seldom the empowering.
You could instead, for a few days look at the same opportunity and simply change your thoughts and questions.
Wow!What an opportunity!I could learn another language!I can shake myself up a bit!How could I make this work for my kids?How can I raise the money for the inevitable costs?How can I quickly learn the things that are necessary for me to know right away? Instead, you do what medical intuitive, Carolyn Myss calls, running it by your first chakra tribe's belief systems.
What would my parents, spouse, church, friends, employer, neighbor, therapist, and children think?Inevitably, the answer in two seconds is, "Don't do it!"They fear for your safety, for you leaving them, for your financial situation, and they project their own fears and jealousies into your situation.
In the end, if you want to keep your friends and family in your constant circle of support, you just let go of the opportunity.
You return to your job, to your daily life, and the ease and comfort of your home and friends.
You watch the super bowl with the same friends again this year, knit another sweater, run to the market for the same food you eat every week and generally settle for a life that is less than your soul desires, but which is easy, comfortable and known.
It's not so bad, after all...
Until, one day you meet a tiger on the path, and you're looking like lunch.
The husband takes off with his secretary.
The children are now grown and off in various parts of the world.
The company you've given 23 years to folds and you're sent home with no financial package and no matching retirement fund.
You've had a heart attack, or cancer, or some other debilitating body challenge, and it's put you in debt for the next 25 years.
What you most likely were never taught in school, by your family or church is to ask happy and empowering questions when a life decision is to be made.
But there are empowering answers that can incorporate the feelings and needs of the family and friend groups that we belong to.
And, empowering questions always bring powerful answers and help from every corner of the globe that will help you to reach out courageously for your happiness.
When an opportunity of awe and wonderment, expansion and exciting possibilities comes to you, ask these questions: oHow can I..
oWhat must I do to..
oGiven that my friends (spouse, employer, church, etc.
) might not support this, how can I..
oWhere can I go for more information? oWho could help me with this? oWhere can I obtain ...
(the money, the information, the education, the time, the energy...
) oWhat are the possible benefits of this opportunity (or challenge)? You might also meet a tiger on this path, but now you come strong enough to meet it.
You come with the empowerment of a warrior.
And the whole world will rise up to help and protect one of its own courageous children.
You Must Do That Which You Think You Cannot Do - Eleanor Roosevelt