10 Steps to Job and Financial Security
Step One:Part One - Choose a profession that is always in demand and become an expert in that field.
My stepdaughter Amanda is a good example.
She knew that health care was an emerging high-demand industry, and chose nursing.
She graduated from LaSalle College in 4 years and immediately found a good paying job in her home town at Hershey Medical Center.
Now she is pursuing her masters degree to further her career.
My own career is another good example.
At age 14 my Dad said, "You can always make a good living in auto repair.
People will always need cars and cars will always need fixed.
" At 17 I found a job in a major auto-repair shop and took advantage of every opportunity to master the skills of that industry.
At age 25 I started my own business, and sold it 8 years later.
For the last 25 years I've made a better than average living managing auto dealership body shops.
Part Two - Do what you love and find a way to make money with it.
Determine what your strengths and talents are.
When your work is aligned with your natural talents and skills you will be in tune with your purpose and enjoy your work.
There are many good tools and programs to help you with this.
The ideal situation is to merge the two.
Good examples of these are Bill Gates and Warren Buffett.
Aristotle said, "Where your passions intersect with the needs of the public, therein lies your vocation.
" For most of my career I functioned in part one, working for money to fund my lifestyle.
Now I've transitioned into part two, using my experience to teach and coach others to become their personal best and achieve their ideal life.
Step Two:Problem Solvers Are Always in Demand Become a problem solver instead of a problem finder.
Problem finders are like grains of sand on the beach.
Problem solvers are like palm trees that give shade and food.
Problem solvers are never without work and a way to earn a good living.
Everywhere you go, people are complaining, pointing out problems, finding people to blame.
Become a solutions person and people will pay you to solve their problems.
The world is full of problems to be solved, and you will never be without work that pays you good money.
Step Three: Be a World server - serve others in your way using your talents.
You are uniquely qualified to serve in some way.
Become an instrument that helps make the Universe work and you will be empowered.
The world is changing.
The old institutions are crumbling.
The banking system and the political system are not working.
The new way is to get in alignment with nature, with the Laws of the Universe, to be more spiritual.
Transparency, openness and truth are the new ways.
Honesty and truth and openness are what work today and into the future.
Step Four:Develop your skills.
Enroll in an on-going self-development program.
Feed your mind, body and spirit.
Engage in life-time personal development and join the 5% group of success-minded individuals who are continually improving their performance and their lives.
Read books like Think and Grow Rich, and How to Win Friends and Influence People.
We live in the age of communication - there is more informational, inspirational products and systems available than ever in history.
I subscribe to e-zines and newsletters that come into my email box every day.
Begin each day by reading and/or listening to informational and inspirational material.
Life is learning.
Michael Gerber, author of the best-selling book, The E-Myth Revisited, says that "Contrary to popular belief, my experience has shown me that the people who are exceptionally good in business aren't so because of what they know, but because of their insatiable need to know more.
Step Five:Professions that you can always make a good living at: Customer Service.
There is always a need for GOOD customer service people.
I learned a long time ago in my auto repair business that I was in the people business - it was about handling and dealing with people, hearing and fulfilling their needs.
Sales and Marketing.
For most people sales is a dirty word.
It is not about being a robotic order-taker behind a counter, but a caring person who is filling a need and solving a problem.
That's what we do - solve people's problems.
You are simply helping them discover their needs or wants, and matching that up with a product or service that fills that need.
It is actually very easy and gratifying when you come from the right perspective.
The distinction between sales and marketing: marketing is finding the prospects that are a good fit for your product or service.
Sales is all about getting interested prospects to purchase your products or services, matching a need or desire to a product or service, solving a problem.
There is enormous opportunity in sales and marketing for those who master the skills.
Step Six:Set goals and pursue them with passion - If people had a fraction of the passion and persistence my Miniature Dachshund has when pursuing a Rabbit, they would always achieve their goals.
Chloe can have her tongue hanging out, the rabbit disappeared, but she circles around to pick up the scent and gets back on the trail.
She gets so excited sometimes that she yips while chasing that rabbit.
Do you get that excited chasing your dreams and goals? Most people give up too soon.
One of my natural strengths is persistence.
When I decide to take on a project, I wear it down.
It is mine, I own it.
Persistence is just having the faith that eventually things will change in your favor.
Have a Mission Statement for your life and your business.
Step Seven: Have a home based business.
There are many reasons to have a home based business, and none to not have one.
Tax advantages are one reason, but not the most important.
Most home based businesses require little up-front investment and overhead, and have the potential to supply a full-time income.
A great example of a home-based business is my wife - she has been employed 20 years at the state - her Mom retired after 45 years at the state - she had no influence in her life toward entrepreneurship until we married 9 years ago, and since then she merely tolerated my businesses.
Then we met up with a friend of mine I hadn't seen in 30 years.
My friend's wife told her about her travel business, and 2 hours later my wife was signed on with her own web site.
She loves booking travel and is excellent at giving great service.
The # 1 best business on the planet today is internet marketing.
You don't have to be a techie or have any special skills.
You can easily create an e-book on a topic you know and sell it online.
You can be an affiliate for someone else's product or services.
You don't have to know html to create a web site.
There are simple programs to help you with that, or you can use a WordPress Blog.
There are services like Guru.
com for hire.
For one project I hired a guy in India who created a site for less than $75.
Step Eight:How to Create what you want.
3-step action plan formula that works like magic: One - set a goal - know what you want.
Two - take action.
Three - let go of any need for a specific result, trust the Universe to connect the dots, and watch your life become an adventure.
You have probably heard something about the The Law of Attraction.
The law of attraction is real, but there is more to it than merely wishing for what you want.
First you take the time to know exactly what you want.
Then you set the INTENTION to have whatever that is.
Next you take ACTION steps.
Then you LET IT GO and trust that the right thing will happen.
There is one more important exercise that is very powerful in manifesting your desires - FEEL how it will be to have whatever it is that you have set the intention of having.
You are going to match up with the vibration of having your goal.
This process will set in motion events that will attract you goals and bring you what you want.
A note of caution here- it doesn't usually happen in our time frame or exactly the way we expect.
In a nutshell: know what you want - get emotional about it - take action - engage in on-going personal development.
As it applies to job/financial security - you BECOME the person and take action to get what you want.
You become the person, you can always create what you want and no one can take it away.
I want to help you develop the MINDSET for success.
Step Nine:Become adept at people and communication skills.
Very few people are good at dealing with people or are effective communicators.
Own these skills and the world is your oyster.
I started an auto repair business when I was 25.
Five years later I had 12 employees and lots of headaches.
One day I stood in the middle of the shop floor handling a difficult situation, and a light went on in my head.
"I'm in the people business" I realized.
I have used these skills to build thriving businesses in 5 auto dealership body shop departments.
Mastering people and communication skills will help you in your social and family relationships.
You will attract people like a magnet, and they will want to do business with you and send their friends.
Learn to put yourself into the other person's place - a powerful way to understand their perspective, where they are coming from, what is important to them - to get inside their head and emotions.
How to become a great listener, to "tune-in" to their conversation - how to use the power of the question - how to control the conversation even when you allow the other person do most of the talking.
Study human behaviour, the basic needs of every human being, how to make the other person feel important, and you will be popular and have influence on other people.
Step Ten:Have a mentor: Find someone who can show you the way and encourage you to fulfill your dreams.
The most successful and happy people know this secret.
Average people think they can't afford a coach, consultant or mentor, not realizing the return on investment is multiplied.
My very first mentor, besides my Dad, was a top-gun mechanic by the name of John Capitoli.
When I was 18 and worked at a major auto body shop in West Philadelphia, I was appointed the position of head mechanic because I was willing to do any job and always found a way to get it done.
I made it clear to John that I would help him with anything he needed at anytime, and as a result of my attitude and eagerness to help him, John would help me with anything I needed.
So I learned a lot and was able to perform a job that was way beyond my experience at that time.
One of the most vital elements of my success has been the mentors, coaches, consultants I have had, especially in recent years.
All the most successful people I know have a coach, someone ahead of you on the path who can help you get to where you want to go.
Tips: Be an over-performer.
I want my employer to be thinking about what they can do to keep me there, not whether I am expendable.
Be Trustworthy.
Keep your word.
Your word is your honor.
When I give my word, friends, clients and business associates know they can go to the bank with it.
Be inquisitive, have a curiosity for life, and how it works.
When you follow this formula, all 10 steps, you will never be without a better-than-average income and a lifestyle that will make you happy, guaranteed.
My stepdaughter Amanda is a good example.
She knew that health care was an emerging high-demand industry, and chose nursing.
She graduated from LaSalle College in 4 years and immediately found a good paying job in her home town at Hershey Medical Center.
Now she is pursuing her masters degree to further her career.
My own career is another good example.
At age 14 my Dad said, "You can always make a good living in auto repair.
People will always need cars and cars will always need fixed.
" At 17 I found a job in a major auto-repair shop and took advantage of every opportunity to master the skills of that industry.
At age 25 I started my own business, and sold it 8 years later.
For the last 25 years I've made a better than average living managing auto dealership body shops.
Part Two - Do what you love and find a way to make money with it.
Determine what your strengths and talents are.
When your work is aligned with your natural talents and skills you will be in tune with your purpose and enjoy your work.
There are many good tools and programs to help you with this.
The ideal situation is to merge the two.
Good examples of these are Bill Gates and Warren Buffett.
Aristotle said, "Where your passions intersect with the needs of the public, therein lies your vocation.
" For most of my career I functioned in part one, working for money to fund my lifestyle.
Now I've transitioned into part two, using my experience to teach and coach others to become their personal best and achieve their ideal life.
Step Two:Problem Solvers Are Always in Demand Become a problem solver instead of a problem finder.
Problem finders are like grains of sand on the beach.
Problem solvers are like palm trees that give shade and food.
Problem solvers are never without work and a way to earn a good living.
Everywhere you go, people are complaining, pointing out problems, finding people to blame.
Become a solutions person and people will pay you to solve their problems.
The world is full of problems to be solved, and you will never be without work that pays you good money.
Step Three: Be a World server - serve others in your way using your talents.
You are uniquely qualified to serve in some way.
Become an instrument that helps make the Universe work and you will be empowered.
The world is changing.
The old institutions are crumbling.
The banking system and the political system are not working.
The new way is to get in alignment with nature, with the Laws of the Universe, to be more spiritual.
Transparency, openness and truth are the new ways.
Honesty and truth and openness are what work today and into the future.
Step Four:Develop your skills.
Enroll in an on-going self-development program.
Feed your mind, body and spirit.
Engage in life-time personal development and join the 5% group of success-minded individuals who are continually improving their performance and their lives.
Read books like Think and Grow Rich, and How to Win Friends and Influence People.
We live in the age of communication - there is more informational, inspirational products and systems available than ever in history.
I subscribe to e-zines and newsletters that come into my email box every day.
Begin each day by reading and/or listening to informational and inspirational material.
Life is learning.
Michael Gerber, author of the best-selling book, The E-Myth Revisited, says that "Contrary to popular belief, my experience has shown me that the people who are exceptionally good in business aren't so because of what they know, but because of their insatiable need to know more.
Step Five:Professions that you can always make a good living at: Customer Service.
There is always a need for GOOD customer service people.
I learned a long time ago in my auto repair business that I was in the people business - it was about handling and dealing with people, hearing and fulfilling their needs.
Sales and Marketing.
For most people sales is a dirty word.
It is not about being a robotic order-taker behind a counter, but a caring person who is filling a need and solving a problem.
That's what we do - solve people's problems.
You are simply helping them discover their needs or wants, and matching that up with a product or service that fills that need.
It is actually very easy and gratifying when you come from the right perspective.
The distinction between sales and marketing: marketing is finding the prospects that are a good fit for your product or service.
Sales is all about getting interested prospects to purchase your products or services, matching a need or desire to a product or service, solving a problem.
There is enormous opportunity in sales and marketing for those who master the skills.
Step Six:Set goals and pursue them with passion - If people had a fraction of the passion and persistence my Miniature Dachshund has when pursuing a Rabbit, they would always achieve their goals.
Chloe can have her tongue hanging out, the rabbit disappeared, but she circles around to pick up the scent and gets back on the trail.
She gets so excited sometimes that she yips while chasing that rabbit.
Do you get that excited chasing your dreams and goals? Most people give up too soon.
One of my natural strengths is persistence.
When I decide to take on a project, I wear it down.
It is mine, I own it.
Persistence is just having the faith that eventually things will change in your favor.
Have a Mission Statement for your life and your business.
Step Seven: Have a home based business.
There are many reasons to have a home based business, and none to not have one.
Tax advantages are one reason, but not the most important.
Most home based businesses require little up-front investment and overhead, and have the potential to supply a full-time income.
A great example of a home-based business is my wife - she has been employed 20 years at the state - her Mom retired after 45 years at the state - she had no influence in her life toward entrepreneurship until we married 9 years ago, and since then she merely tolerated my businesses.
Then we met up with a friend of mine I hadn't seen in 30 years.
My friend's wife told her about her travel business, and 2 hours later my wife was signed on with her own web site.
She loves booking travel and is excellent at giving great service.
The # 1 best business on the planet today is internet marketing.
You don't have to be a techie or have any special skills.
You can easily create an e-book on a topic you know and sell it online.
You can be an affiliate for someone else's product or services.
You don't have to know html to create a web site.
There are simple programs to help you with that, or you can use a WordPress Blog.
There are services like Guru.
com for hire.
For one project I hired a guy in India who created a site for less than $75.
Step Eight:How to Create what you want.
3-step action plan formula that works like magic: One - set a goal - know what you want.
Two - take action.
Three - let go of any need for a specific result, trust the Universe to connect the dots, and watch your life become an adventure.
You have probably heard something about the The Law of Attraction.
The law of attraction is real, but there is more to it than merely wishing for what you want.
First you take the time to know exactly what you want.
Then you set the INTENTION to have whatever that is.
Next you take ACTION steps.
Then you LET IT GO and trust that the right thing will happen.
There is one more important exercise that is very powerful in manifesting your desires - FEEL how it will be to have whatever it is that you have set the intention of having.
You are going to match up with the vibration of having your goal.
This process will set in motion events that will attract you goals and bring you what you want.
A note of caution here- it doesn't usually happen in our time frame or exactly the way we expect.
In a nutshell: know what you want - get emotional about it - take action - engage in on-going personal development.
As it applies to job/financial security - you BECOME the person and take action to get what you want.
You become the person, you can always create what you want and no one can take it away.
I want to help you develop the MINDSET for success.
Step Nine:Become adept at people and communication skills.
Very few people are good at dealing with people or are effective communicators.
Own these skills and the world is your oyster.
I started an auto repair business when I was 25.
Five years later I had 12 employees and lots of headaches.
One day I stood in the middle of the shop floor handling a difficult situation, and a light went on in my head.
"I'm in the people business" I realized.
I have used these skills to build thriving businesses in 5 auto dealership body shop departments.
Mastering people and communication skills will help you in your social and family relationships.
You will attract people like a magnet, and they will want to do business with you and send their friends.
Learn to put yourself into the other person's place - a powerful way to understand their perspective, where they are coming from, what is important to them - to get inside their head and emotions.
How to become a great listener, to "tune-in" to their conversation - how to use the power of the question - how to control the conversation even when you allow the other person do most of the talking.
Study human behaviour, the basic needs of every human being, how to make the other person feel important, and you will be popular and have influence on other people.
Step Ten:Have a mentor: Find someone who can show you the way and encourage you to fulfill your dreams.
The most successful and happy people know this secret.
Average people think they can't afford a coach, consultant or mentor, not realizing the return on investment is multiplied.
My very first mentor, besides my Dad, was a top-gun mechanic by the name of John Capitoli.
When I was 18 and worked at a major auto body shop in West Philadelphia, I was appointed the position of head mechanic because I was willing to do any job and always found a way to get it done.
I made it clear to John that I would help him with anything he needed at anytime, and as a result of my attitude and eagerness to help him, John would help me with anything I needed.
So I learned a lot and was able to perform a job that was way beyond my experience at that time.
One of the most vital elements of my success has been the mentors, coaches, consultants I have had, especially in recent years.
All the most successful people I know have a coach, someone ahead of you on the path who can help you get to where you want to go.
Tips: Be an over-performer.
I want my employer to be thinking about what they can do to keep me there, not whether I am expendable.
Be Trustworthy.
Keep your word.
Your word is your honor.
When I give my word, friends, clients and business associates know they can go to the bank with it.
Be inquisitive, have a curiosity for life, and how it works.
When you follow this formula, all 10 steps, you will never be without a better-than-average income and a lifestyle that will make you happy, guaranteed.