9 Tips To Getting Things Done
A big part of getting things done is being motivated.
How do we keep the motivation? Some days we're just not motivated especially on days where we have to "eat the frog".
Sometimes it's just hard to get started.
Some days we don't want to tackle the hard tasks.
The Secret of Motivation No one motivates you.
Sure you can listen to someone like me, a "motivational speaker", but to put it simply, motivation is inside you.
You have to get excited about life.
I can only give you some energy and remind you to break through the conditioning that prevents you from moving forward.
We have to work together because there is no greater time to be alive than now.
You have to get motivated and fired up from the inside.
Build The Anticipation You have to dream, go after things, and put energy into things to create the momentum necessary to move forward.
You have to build anticipation.
It's exciting to build towards something.
It's great to see the things that you want to begin to manifest.
You have to have big reasons why.
You have to get up in the morning and be excited to do the things on your Sacred Six.
Look at your Dreamboard to place your goals and dreams and then look at the things that you would like to achieve.
Start looking at things and determining what are your reasons for wanting to achieve these goals.
Use the Dreamboard to visualize your goals and dreams happening.
Anticipate them coming true.
You have to believe in yourself.
Belief works from the metaphysical standpoint of making thing happen.
Commit and Balance There's an ebb and flow in life.
You have to feel that ebb and flow.
Sometimes you don't feel the positive energy and you just don't feel motivated.
Stick with it.
Get back on the horse.
Make the commitment.
Do it every day.
It's important! 1% Each Day Focus on 1% improvement a day.
As you start to build small successes they grow to bigger ones.
You get exponential growth.
You may not realize that you are really growing.
That's why I tell you to journal so you can look back and see your growth.
You have to realize how far you've come.
Benefits Think about the benefits not the difficulties.
Look at the benefits of the things that you are doing.
Being optimistic works real well.
Get rid of the negative thoughts because when you replace those with positive ones you will get the mental motivation.
Workout Exercise and health can give you the extra push.
Get started.
Consult your Physician before you start any exercise regimen or diet.
Make sure you are moving your body every day.
It creates inner vibrancy and energy.
Connect Get connected and network with other people who share your dreams.
Make sure you share your dreams with believers.
Don't share them with doubters because nothing destroys your motivation more than people who don't support you.
Go on the Morning Coach Facebook page and share things publicly with people that believe in you.
Look in your community and among your friends and family for people who believe in you and support you.
That support does wonders for staying motivated.
Chart Your Progress Journal, set goals, start small and the big things will come.
Keep track of your goals, write things down so you can look back and track your accomplishments.
Rewards Make sure you build in rewards when you hit those goals.
Rewards are phenomenal motivation boosters.
Stick with it.
Do it every day.
Use tools and benefit from everything that tools offer to keep you motivated, to get organized, to maintain your focus and help you get motivated to work on the things that you want to achieve.
Get fired up! Get your reasons why.
Look at your life and your goals.
Look at it every day.
Dig deep! Get the energy rolling! Get the motivation going! Life is amazing! Just feel that energy! Dream big!
How do we keep the motivation? Some days we're just not motivated especially on days where we have to "eat the frog".
Sometimes it's just hard to get started.
Some days we don't want to tackle the hard tasks.
The Secret of Motivation No one motivates you.
Sure you can listen to someone like me, a "motivational speaker", but to put it simply, motivation is inside you.
You have to get excited about life.
I can only give you some energy and remind you to break through the conditioning that prevents you from moving forward.
We have to work together because there is no greater time to be alive than now.
You have to get motivated and fired up from the inside.
Build The Anticipation You have to dream, go after things, and put energy into things to create the momentum necessary to move forward.
You have to build anticipation.
It's exciting to build towards something.
It's great to see the things that you want to begin to manifest.
You have to have big reasons why.
You have to get up in the morning and be excited to do the things on your Sacred Six.
Look at your Dreamboard to place your goals and dreams and then look at the things that you would like to achieve.
Start looking at things and determining what are your reasons for wanting to achieve these goals.
Use the Dreamboard to visualize your goals and dreams happening.
Anticipate them coming true.
You have to believe in yourself.
Belief works from the metaphysical standpoint of making thing happen.
Commit and Balance There's an ebb and flow in life.
You have to feel that ebb and flow.
Sometimes you don't feel the positive energy and you just don't feel motivated.
Stick with it.
Get back on the horse.
Make the commitment.
Do it every day.
It's important! 1% Each Day Focus on 1% improvement a day.
As you start to build small successes they grow to bigger ones.
You get exponential growth.
You may not realize that you are really growing.
That's why I tell you to journal so you can look back and see your growth.
You have to realize how far you've come.
Benefits Think about the benefits not the difficulties.
Look at the benefits of the things that you are doing.
Being optimistic works real well.
Get rid of the negative thoughts because when you replace those with positive ones you will get the mental motivation.
Workout Exercise and health can give you the extra push.
Get started.
Consult your Physician before you start any exercise regimen or diet.
Make sure you are moving your body every day.
It creates inner vibrancy and energy.
Connect Get connected and network with other people who share your dreams.
Make sure you share your dreams with believers.
Don't share them with doubters because nothing destroys your motivation more than people who don't support you.
Go on the Morning Coach Facebook page and share things publicly with people that believe in you.
Look in your community and among your friends and family for people who believe in you and support you.
That support does wonders for staying motivated.
Chart Your Progress Journal, set goals, start small and the big things will come.
Keep track of your goals, write things down so you can look back and track your accomplishments.
Rewards Make sure you build in rewards when you hit those goals.
Rewards are phenomenal motivation boosters.
Stick with it.
Do it every day.
Use tools and benefit from everything that tools offer to keep you motivated, to get organized, to maintain your focus and help you get motivated to work on the things that you want to achieve.
Get fired up! Get your reasons why.
Look at your life and your goals.
Look at it every day.
Dig deep! Get the energy rolling! Get the motivation going! Life is amazing! Just feel that energy! Dream big!