7 Migraine Symptoms
An Overview: What is Migraine?
In layman terms, people often get confused between headache and migraine. It is very essential to understand that migraine is way ahead than headache. Now what exactly is a migraine? One should definitely ask this question to get an appropriate answer for it. Migraine is referred to a complicated pain in the head due to the inflammation caused to the vertebrae. Being a vascular pain, it cannot be cured by giving a head massage. Migraine being a critical problem needs to be consulted with a doctor for appropriate medication and treatment. Migraine if not cured in nascent stage might lead to a permanent problem of a person. Hence, curing migraine in the initial stages might act to be a burden in the minds of the person. But the basic question which definitely comes in our mind is how can I know whether I am suffering from Migraine or not? In order to get an answer to this question it is essential to learn about some of the symptoms that are a sure shot indicator of migraine.
Migraine Symptoms:
The following are the symptoms that would definitely point towards emergence of Migraine within oneself
Yawning:Yawning though is considered to be indicator or tiredness, boredom or sleep; it can also be a symptom of migraine. Yawning once or twice is fair enough but consistently yawning again and again might become a matter of concern. Before migraine hits you, it is essential to take this yawning seriously. It is also a positive sign, as one can start early with the treatment for facing less pain of migraine.
Aura: Arrival of migraine signs creates a differentiated aura for the person. He or she can experience spots, stars, blurry vision, etc€¦ much before migraine actually comes upon hitting the person. It is generally seen in women who are about to reach their premenopausal phase. This blurry aura also increases the chance of catching stroke as well.
Nausea: Nausea is often caused to people who are suffering from migraine. If there is a headache without any nausea, then there is no risk of migraine or presence of migraine in the person. Hence, it is essential to ensure the signs of nausea.
Severe aching on one side of head: Inflammation on vertebra leads to excessive pain and strain in the blood vessels. This ultimately impacts any of the one side of the head indicating a severe pain. This is a true sign of migraine attack.
Sensitive or delicate to even light sound: People who often complain of irritation due to light or sweet sounding music should go in for a migraine check. Migraine prevents a person from bearing even lightest of those sounds. Hence, it is essential to make a migraine check.
Pain like piercing needles: People with frequent headache can experience a particular pain similar to the one that is caused like piercing pins or needles in the body. If this is the type of pain then the person is surely affected with migraine. A generic headache does not make the feel of a pierced needle.
Inappropriate vision like a Blur: Migraine affects the nervous system in the person. In case of experiencing blur vision, dark sports, twinkling in the vision, etc€¦ then the person is surely going through a migraine attack. Migraine restricts the smooth blood flow in the brain. Hence, this eventually affects the vision of the person.
In layman terms, people often get confused between headache and migraine. It is very essential to understand that migraine is way ahead than headache. Now what exactly is a migraine? One should definitely ask this question to get an appropriate answer for it. Migraine is referred to a complicated pain in the head due to the inflammation caused to the vertebrae. Being a vascular pain, it cannot be cured by giving a head massage. Migraine being a critical problem needs to be consulted with a doctor for appropriate medication and treatment. Migraine if not cured in nascent stage might lead to a permanent problem of a person. Hence, curing migraine in the initial stages might act to be a burden in the minds of the person. But the basic question which definitely comes in our mind is how can I know whether I am suffering from Migraine or not? In order to get an answer to this question it is essential to learn about some of the symptoms that are a sure shot indicator of migraine.
Migraine Symptoms:
The following are the symptoms that would definitely point towards emergence of Migraine within oneself
Yawning:Yawning though is considered to be indicator or tiredness, boredom or sleep; it can also be a symptom of migraine. Yawning once or twice is fair enough but consistently yawning again and again might become a matter of concern. Before migraine hits you, it is essential to take this yawning seriously. It is also a positive sign, as one can start early with the treatment for facing less pain of migraine.
Aura: Arrival of migraine signs creates a differentiated aura for the person. He or she can experience spots, stars, blurry vision, etc€¦ much before migraine actually comes upon hitting the person. It is generally seen in women who are about to reach their premenopausal phase. This blurry aura also increases the chance of catching stroke as well.
Nausea: Nausea is often caused to people who are suffering from migraine. If there is a headache without any nausea, then there is no risk of migraine or presence of migraine in the person. Hence, it is essential to ensure the signs of nausea.
Severe aching on one side of head: Inflammation on vertebra leads to excessive pain and strain in the blood vessels. This ultimately impacts any of the one side of the head indicating a severe pain. This is a true sign of migraine attack.
Sensitive or delicate to even light sound: People who often complain of irritation due to light or sweet sounding music should go in for a migraine check. Migraine prevents a person from bearing even lightest of those sounds. Hence, it is essential to make a migraine check.
Pain like piercing needles: People with frequent headache can experience a particular pain similar to the one that is caused like piercing pins or needles in the body. If this is the type of pain then the person is surely affected with migraine. A generic headache does not make the feel of a pierced needle.
Inappropriate vision like a Blur: Migraine affects the nervous system in the person. In case of experiencing blur vision, dark sports, twinkling in the vision, etc€¦ then the person is surely going through a migraine attack. Migraine restricts the smooth blood flow in the brain. Hence, this eventually affects the vision of the person.