Health & Medical Mental Health

Treating Trichotillomania - Which Route Should We Take?

Treating Trichotillomania can basically be done through one of two major means available.
We can either seek to treat this condition within ourselves by using powerful medications, or by the use of psychological training and behavioral therapies.
The first method mentioned here, medications, can have a modicum of effect for those with light cases, as well as those with more severe advancements of this condition, if dosages are upped accordingly.
However, these phenomenally potent drugs are not without their frightening side effects.
Treating Trichotillomania through the use of powerful neuroleptic drugs (medications used for severe mental disabilities, otherwise known as antipsychotic drugs) and hyper-strong antidepressants such ass those prescribed for people with OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), the effects are pretty much that the patient is largely opiate against the feeling of emotional stresses which are usually the main trigger in spurring on the classic hair-pulling behavior exhibited by sufferers of Trichotillomania.
This can on the surface seem to keep the behavior in control for as long as the medication is taking effect, but as soon as the drugs stop being taken, the problem still persists.
In the end, this method seems more to be a form of slavery to chemicals.
Treating Trichotillomania through the use of psychologically-based behavioral training techniques however, the effects of this condition actually subside, even eventually resulting in the person completely becoming cured once and for all.
This method seems to show a few benefits; zero side effects, actual curative progress, the practitioner experiencing a gaining of control over the condition and her/his life in general, and increased confidence and strength against the very stresses that were once so imprisoning to the person before.

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