What Effect Does Nicotine Have on the Lungs?
- Nicotine is an alkaloid substance found in cigarettes. It is responsible for the mood-altering effects of smoking. Nicotine, derived from tobacco plants, is responsible for aiding in addiction to cigarettes, and can be extremely harmful to the body.
- Nicotine enters the lungs during inhalation, where it is transported by tobacco smoke from cigarettes. The nicotine is carried directly into the lungs, where it crosses through the lining of the lungs and into the blood vessels. From the lungs, the nicotine travels to other areas of the body, including the brain and nervous system.
- Within the respiratory system, nicotine can wreak havoc. The drug irritates the system and causes inflammation. The nicotine also causes constriction of the blood vessels, making air exchange more difficult in the lungs. This, in turn, can cause difficulty breathing. Those with asthma, especially, may find that the effects of their condition are exacerbated by smoking cigarettes. Smoking can also cause chronic bronchitis.
- Continued cigarette use can lead to emphysema, which can develop into chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Emphysema occurs when cigarette/tobacco smoke damages the air sacs within the lungs. Because the air sacs cease to function properly, it becomes more difficult for the oxygen to enter the bloodstream. Those with emphysema experience chronic coughing, shortness of breath, breathing difficulties, fatigue and weight loss, among other symptoms.
- Continued cigarette use can also lead to lung cancer. Lung cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. The majority of these cancer cases are caused by smoking. Cigarette smoke, which contains nicotine in addition to a plethora of other carcinogens, can promote the growth of tumors within the lungs. Recent studies have also shown that patients diagnosed with lung cancer have a higher incidence of a nicotine byproduct found within the body. New technology has shown that lung cancer may be better treated by inhibiting nicotine receptors.