Health & Medical Mental Health

Joe Barry Panic Away - Does it Work or Not?

Panic Away is a popular guide for treating and preventing panic attacks.  Does it actually work?


The Panic Away system is based on the idea that panic attacks usually begin with small triggering fears and anxieties that can quickly get of hand and escalate into a full-blown panic attack.  The idea is to teach you to deal with the small fear that start the whole process.  If you can deal with the small fears, you will have a way of preventing full blown attacks.

Panic Away begins by teaching you the One Move Techqniue, which is a specific set of actions you can take right when you feel a panic attack coming on.  With some practice, this move can become habitual, allowing you to successfully prevent panic attacks.  The author, Joe Barry, outlines how to use this move in a wide variety of panic inducing situations such as driving, speaking in public, flying, tight spaces and more.

The rest of the guide deals with various methods designed to reduce your overall level of "general anxiety" (the day-to-day stresses that can be fuel for panic attacks) and specific steps you can take to make all of these techqniques a habit.


Panic away is not a "magic potion" that is going to eliminate panic attacks instantly.  The techniques are very powerful but they require that you work with them for some time before they start working.  Any change in behavior or thinking can take some time to become a habit. 

If you are sincere about apply the techqniques consistently until you get the hang of it, Panic Away can make an enormous difference in lessening the severity and frequency of your panic symptoms.

The system gives you a framework for seeing how your attacks start and how they grow into full blown symptoms.  With practice, as you become more and more aware of the process while it is happening and as you use the various technique to interrupt the process, you will find yourself gaining control of it.


Definately not.  While the system is very powerful and can produce amazing results, it ultimately depends on YOU to take action.  The material is well laid out and easy to follow but if you are the type of person who needs a counsellor to guide and motivate you, a professional therapist is probably the answer.

If you are sincere about wanting to deal with you panic attack symptoms and are able to commit to understanding and USING the material in Panic Away, the system can be of tremendous help.

Get instant access to the Panic Away system at => PanicAway-Method.Com

If you would like to read a more detailed review of the program, visit => The-PanicAway-Review.Com

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