Learn About Some Scary ADHD Facts
ADHD facts can be really scary for example, did you know that ADHD affects 5% of all children? Facts about ADHD itself are bad enough but facts about medication are even worse.
Let's take ADHD first and follow with medication facts.
ADHD affects more boys more than girls.
Boys are said to be more hyperactive than girls.
Many children have co-existing problems such as serious learning problems.
Many will also experience co-existing behavioral issues such as Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD).
There is no known medication or specific treatment for ODD other than behavior management techniques and positive behavior support.
ADHD is hotly debated.
Is it a real problem or maybe even just a label to put on kids who may be difficult in class.
Others maintain that it is in fact, a very real and physical problem.
It used to be called Minimal Brain Injury.
Medication for ADHD is most commonly some form of a stimulant drug.
It was wonderful, there was now a medication to ease the symptoms for children.
What they didn't know or didn't tell people is that the side effects of these drugs can be very dangerous.
Stimulants are highly addictive.
They cause sleeplessness, depression, and a diminished appetite.
That all occurs with short term usage.
Extended use can make a child much more likely to become depressed and have problems with substance abuse when they are adults.
They can also adversely affect the livers of children.
There are other options fortunately for the treatment of ADHD.
Holistic 'medicine' brings a child's body in balance and relieves the symptoms of ADHD.
Acupuncture and behavioral therapy are just two ways of doing this.
Natural supplements are another way to help bring a child's body into harmony.
These natural supplements are made with vitamins, minerals, and herbs that specifically treat ADHD symptoms.
Verta Alb eases the nerves and reduces hyperactivity.
Tuberculinum is used for children who get bored very easily.
Scuttletaria laterfolia also known as Skullcap, helps to balance the mind and keep a child balanced and helps them to have a good attitude.
Gingko Biloba is well known to benefit the memory and promote a healthy circulatory system.
Natural supplements are safe as they have no side effects, no dyes, additives, or preservatives.
They help to promote a balance in the brain and a good attitude for children.
There is everything to gain and nothing to lose by taking these supplements.
When searching for these natural supplements, be sure they are FDA approved and made by a licensed homeopath.
Admittedly, natural supplements are not as scary as the effects of stimulants.
Let's take ADHD first and follow with medication facts.
ADHD affects more boys more than girls.
Boys are said to be more hyperactive than girls.
Many children have co-existing problems such as serious learning problems.
Many will also experience co-existing behavioral issues such as Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD).
There is no known medication or specific treatment for ODD other than behavior management techniques and positive behavior support.
ADHD is hotly debated.
Is it a real problem or maybe even just a label to put on kids who may be difficult in class.
Others maintain that it is in fact, a very real and physical problem.
It used to be called Minimal Brain Injury.
Medication for ADHD is most commonly some form of a stimulant drug.
It was wonderful, there was now a medication to ease the symptoms for children.
What they didn't know or didn't tell people is that the side effects of these drugs can be very dangerous.
Stimulants are highly addictive.
They cause sleeplessness, depression, and a diminished appetite.
That all occurs with short term usage.
Extended use can make a child much more likely to become depressed and have problems with substance abuse when they are adults.
They can also adversely affect the livers of children.
There are other options fortunately for the treatment of ADHD.
Holistic 'medicine' brings a child's body in balance and relieves the symptoms of ADHD.
Acupuncture and behavioral therapy are just two ways of doing this.
Natural supplements are another way to help bring a child's body into harmony.
These natural supplements are made with vitamins, minerals, and herbs that specifically treat ADHD symptoms.
Verta Alb eases the nerves and reduces hyperactivity.
Tuberculinum is used for children who get bored very easily.
Scuttletaria laterfolia also known as Skullcap, helps to balance the mind and keep a child balanced and helps them to have a good attitude.
Gingko Biloba is well known to benefit the memory and promote a healthy circulatory system.
Natural supplements are safe as they have no side effects, no dyes, additives, or preservatives.
They help to promote a balance in the brain and a good attitude for children.
There is everything to gain and nothing to lose by taking these supplements.
When searching for these natural supplements, be sure they are FDA approved and made by a licensed homeopath.
Admittedly, natural supplements are not as scary as the effects of stimulants.