Health & Medical Mental Health

Balding, Fat And Old Is Sexy, Isn"t It?

To begin this eloquent discussion of what constitutes sexiness and what the world needs to learn about it let's get down to brass tacks.
Physical Appearance In our society we really do tend to equate sexiness with what, for me, is an abnormal state.
I am a very happy man.
I have a happy life.
I am affectionate, caring and lovable.
In the dark I think I could be considered desirable.
However, in the light I don't fit the popular image.
What Does This Word Really Mean Let's examine as closely as possible for an overweight, balding and aging guy what constitutes being sexy.
If it means what sort of guy/gal in a picture in a magazine is going to turn you on then the popular concept is probably fairly accurate.
There seems to be a fairly universal agreement that skinny, young, full head of hair, nice skin etc is sexy.
Not being willing to expose my past completely it is difficult for me to fully explain what I mean.
However, I do have personal experience of having spent time, one on one, with more than one person who would qualify as irresistible in today's tabloid concept.
I can attest to the fact that in reality I have found that the people I have spent time with who take such care of their appearance in order to be one of those are so obsessed with it that they become very boring quite quickly.
Is Sexy Someone Nice To Look At? So my contention is that certainly a beautiful physical specimen is great to look at, but it does not necessarily follow that that equals sex on a stick? If that someone is busy being sexy, to me they already aren't.
Looks are nice, but there are many other things to consider when it comes to being attractive.
Is Sexy Someone Who Turns You On? It seems to me that the real definition has to be whoever or whatever turns you on.
If you are turned on by sheer physical beauty which doesn't have to be able to talk or communicate, then that for you is sexy.
However, I feel that if one really wants to be close to someone sexually it takes a lot more than preening and presenting a perfect physical specimen.
What Turns You On? Once you really know what is necessary for a person to have and/or do in order to attract you sexually you then become able to begin to define this popular concept.
There are as many things that can constitute sexy as there are people who are looking for it.
Maybe It Means You Only Have To Feel It So in conclusion I would like to suggest that we meet in my sauna in my bathroom where I am trying to lose weight in order to be sexy.
We can discuss what else I need to do in order to accomplish this mission.
Sauna As A Means Of Becoming Adonis If losing weight is necessary, you will find me there.
But more to the point I feel that in a sauna we are able to get down to basics because, if we are naturists, there is nothing between us other than vibes and karma.
I think I can convince you that I am sexy if you come to my sauna with a smile and an open mind.

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