Health & Medical Ear & Nose,Throat

Deaf Blogger Profile - Dianrez

Updated January 14, 2015.

What is the title and URL of your blog? :

Musings on Communication. The URL is

Why did you give your blog that title?:

Thoughts by a deaf person about deaf people. We have built a society around our communication style.

Why did you start your blog?:

It began as a response to the 2006 Gallaudet protest. I knew people who were involved and who worked at the campus. Many of the problems the students were protesting about had affected me, too, years ago as a student.

What kind of things do you typically blog about?:

Life, attitudes and memoirs of life as a person of silence.

Do you have any personal favorite past blog posts?:

Shenanigans of the Last Class, Papa Meets his Son's Future

How often do you usually blog? :

About once a week or more often as topics strike me.

What role do you see your blog playing in the deaf community? :

More like quiet commenter, an advocate for ASL for families of deaf children, sometimes to inform deaf compatriots about issues they need to speak up on. Occasionally a bit of humor.

What do you do when you are not blogging?:

Working, seeing my teenagers through college, taking panorama photographs and creating wide format pictures.

Anything else you would like for readers new to your blog to know?:

I try to hit the "yeah!" spot in readers and explore the common themes that inspire, excite or concern everybody.

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