Health & Medical Self-Improvement

The Law of Attraction Explained - Defining Thoughts

Before you can have the law of attraction explained, you must be willing to change the way you use your mind.
Set aside everything you think you know about the universe, how it works, and the nature of life.
Take a step beyond the borders of your imagination and childhood belief system.
Assume for a moment, that you may be on the verge of discovering a secret so vast and overwhelmingly powerful, that it will change who you are forever.
Because it will, without a doubt, and MUCH faster than you ever thought possible! The law of attraction is just that, like attracts like.
When you have the law of attraction explained to you it is important to keep in mind that it is the universal and all powerful law which governs everything in the universe.
What you give you receive and you receive so that you may give.
This is the way of the universe and it is how it is intended.
You cannot create anything without first giving out the thoughts and feelings associated with the completed creation.
In your mind ideas are born.
Ideas spawn emotions which lead to more ideas and so on.
Positive attracts positive and negative attracts negative.
The maturing process of the human race does not stop but GROWS.
Our bodies may grow into their adult forms, however, our minds must also mature to realize our full potential.
Our greatest responsibility is to master our thoughts and feelings.
However, much like an aging child clinging to their toddler belief and value system, many of us choose ignorance over this task.
This is because it takes effort, discipline, dedication, faith and these "growing pains" are easy to side-step when everyone around you seemingly is doing the same thing.
The law of attraction explained as an outer force is incorrect.
Everything begins and ends from within your mind and without it there would be nothing.
To have the law of attraction explained to us is not sufficient in and of itself.
It takes a certain level of honesty, persistence, courage, and understanding before our eyes adjust to this wisdom.
We live in a time where we can no longer afford to choose the easy way out.
We all need to have the law of attraction explained to us, but more importantly, we all need to mature in our beliefs and thought habits.
Our technologies and world wide circumstances are applying enough pressure upon us as a species that we HAVE to grow up mentally, or face the consequences.
It is time we all recognize and accept the depth and magnitude of the power available to us.
Not just to change our own lives, but to re-shape the world as we see fit, and beyond into our wildest dreams.
Our brains are super-computers.
Much more powerful and complex than any mechanical device on this planet.
It is capable of producing literal miracles and can be used to create and experience ANYTHING.
The brain uses an operating system called the sub-conscious mind.
We, the user, operate this computer primarily through a conscious interface.
The sub-conscious mind controls all of our involuntary bodily tasks.
From the timing of our heart-beat, to the release of enzymes in our blood-stream, to a hundred thousand other extremely important tasks.
In addition to this, the sub-conscious has another job, manifestation.
Everything in the universe can be broken down to smaller and smaller pieces.
If you break anything down far enough you arrive at energy.
Therefore, everything is energy! We live and breathe in bodies made of pure energy and are surrounded by it.
Vibration, frequency, synchronization, harmonization, this is our world and it is all connected.
The universe is, in essence, a massive pool of energy and vibration.
Now the important part, every human brain has access to the combined stored power of the universe as a whole! The sub-conscious is our link to the limitless power of this energy and draws from it whatever images we project into the mind.
The mental responsibility of our sub-conscious is simply to create and obey whatever the user(you) shows it.
And this it does by interpreting your feelings as commands.
The sub-conscious does not differentiate truth from belief and will respond to ANY command you give it! If you believe you will fail, you will.
If you believe you don't have enough money, you don't.
Those limiting beliefs are what you are commanding the sub-conscious to attract from the universe.
It always does EXACTLY what you want! The problem is as we enter adult-hood we fail to use the proper commands to attract what we want most.
Often-times attracting the exact opposite through fear, doubt, and worry.
The new found "responsibilities" of young adults tends to automatically send them spiraling down poor mental habits of disappointment, failure, and frustration.
Rewind your life and you will discover a time when you automatically used your sub-conscious correctly.
During this time you were happy, healthy, strong, and felt invincible.
The world was your oyster and there was no dream that you could not achieve in your mind.
Some never lose this mindset, others may not remember ever feeling this way.
In either case, ALL success and happiness is born within this joyous mind.
We are conditioned to use are minds poorly.
Through stress and habitat, we all tend to wear a collective veil of misery and limitation.
This veil grows heavy and causes even more burdens to the troubled mind.
It is hard to escape this mental trap so many of us are born into.
But there is always hope! As long as you can think, you can change your life.
For it is ultimately our thoughts, after-all, that define us.
That is a great truth so many of us seem to have forgotten.
In our search to have the law of attraction explained, oftentimes we discover the scars we've accumulated over the years.
Do not focus on the pain which caused them, rather, focus on how good you feel now and how great your future is from the perspective of gratitude.
Find the hidden blessings in your life, and become the blessed person you deserve to be! It is not enough to simply have the law of attraction explained to you.
You must be willing to change the way you feel BEFORE you receive whatever it is that you want in order to change how you feel! You must learn to become aware of your feelings.
Thoughts combine to form emotions.
Similar emotions combine to form moods.
We can monitor what we are attracting by paying attention to our moods.
You cannot possibly analyze and control your every thought but you can easily recognize what mood you are in.
Then you just need to find any way possible to keep your moods "good" or better by changing your thoughts! Plain and simple right? It is not as easy as it sounds but does get easier, like anything, with practice.
By using mental images, feelings, and our imaginations, we can manipulate and control what we feel.
Thereby consciously aligning the creative power of our emotions with the limitless power of the universe.
Manifesting what we WANT and directing our fate.
The law of attraction explained is the fact that what we feel we attract.
There are a myriad of tips and techniques for using this law for the betterment of yourself and circumstances.
The glory of this law is that it is always available and always works.
In fact, even if you don't believe a word of the law of attraction concept, it still works you! Constantly giving you everything that you are consciously, or unconsciously, requesting of the universe.
You can choose, right now, to change your life forever.
By choosing to accept and take responsibility for your thoughts and emotions and send the signals to the universe of what you want.
And open the door to the future you always dreamed of and much, much more.
Now that is something to smile about!

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