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Waiting Out the Two Weeks Wait - Tips for Women and Their Husbands

Women are generally said to be patient compared to men.
But nobody can beat the amount of impatience a woman generated during her two weeks wait (TWW).
10-12 days from the first day of periods, a woman ovulates.
Meaning, she has a fertile egg in her womb, ready to be fused by a sperm and form a baby.
That is the beginning of the TWW.
The 2 weeks end either with onset of her next period (not pregnant) or a missed period (pregnant).
Those 14 days can be excruciating for women who are trying to conceive.
That is because, the body shows no visible pregnancy symptoms and yet she hopes she has started a life within her.
Women and suspense never go hand in hand.
They are like fire and water.
Yet, as nature has it, she has to bear it no matter whether she becomes obsessive or insane! Here are tips for surviving the TWW for the women and their husbands.
Key to survival is keeping yourself busy as much as possible.
Another thing a woman should do is NOT tell her husband of the ongoing changes until the pregnancy is confirmed.
Men are no better in surviving the TWW! So why bother them unnecessarily.
Two weeks wait - Tips for women Asking a woman in her TWW not to obsess wouldn't really workout.
So the best thing to do is to divert the mind to something useful.
Make a long list of things overdue With the busy life style you might have no time to think of:
  • Cleaning your wardrobe, dusting and arranging books, throwing away outdated and expired medication and groceries, clearing the fridge, Mowing the lawn, etc.
It is a natural instinct for most women to 'straighten things up'' during pregnancy.
Take advantage of these two weeks and get those things done.
Don't slow down at work.
This will only distract you more.
Pursue your hobbies You might have stopped allotting time for your hobbies because of day today work life or might have simply lost interest.
This is the best time to go chase your dreams.
Do all the crazy things you used to do before your marriage and when you were young.
This does not include roller coaster rides and bungee jumping!!
  • Dust those old books and get cozy with a nice thick, engrossing book which you think will take at least 10 days to finish.
    If nothing fits that category, get cozy with 3 books.
  • Take that knitting needle and start making something out of it.
    The inspiration is all around you.
  • Your DSLR or point and shoot is lying around unused for quite some time now? Choose womanhood or babies as your week's topic and shoot as much as you can.
    What more apt way to while away the two weeks to maternity (or not!)?
  • Write a journal on how you feel.
    Keeping a diary will help you observe things and will help you divert from the obsession.
Pamper yourself Treat your body as it needs to be.
Don't think about whether or not your breasts are swollen or the nipples are getting darker.
You can no way tell that just by looking at it in the first few weeks! So Instead of obsessing over the not-so-pronounced pregnancy symptoms, take a break and get pampered.
  • Rent movies and watch to your heart's content.
    Go through the internet and find out the names of some of the best movies of last few years and watch them all in those two weeks.
  • Go to a salon and get a new haircut or get a facial or color your hair or Go to a spa and get a nice relaxing massage.
  • Take a week off and go on a vacation with friends and have a gala time.
  • Go shopping and buy some new dresses! But don't go to the maternity section or the baby's section.
    You might just lose it there.
    You need to keep cool and divert, remember?
Doing these at the rate of 1 thing on a day, you can very well wait out the two weeks in no time! Two weeks wait - Tips for husbands While your wife is freaking out for two weeks with her fingers crossed, you might be in no lesser freaked out position.
Some tips for you too!
  • Stop babying your wife.
    Meaning, don't worry about your wife working a bit hard mentally or physically.
    Even if she is pregnant, her physical work in the first few weeks is not going to harm the baby inside.
    Let her work.
  • Don't keep asking her if she is 'feeling pregnant' or anything regarding that.
    Try hard to concentrate on your work.
    Get more work!
  • Stop counting your 'babies before they have been conceived'.
    Which means, until the two weeks are over, nothing can be said as yet.
    You need not burden yourself with more tension of what is to happen which has not yet happened.
  • Call up old friends and catch up with news on their side.
  • Get ideas for starting a new business venture or go on a trip.
At the end of two weeks, if aunt flo (periods) does arrive, don't be disappointed.
Best things come when they are least expected.
With these tips, waiting out the two weeks wouldn't be that hard any more.

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