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Tips For IVF Success

When beginning the process of IVF, it is easy to feel that everything is now out of your control and in the hands of the professionals However, there is much you can do to increase your chances of a pregnancy and there are a number of tips for IVF success which you might like to consider.
First of all, if you have the time, preparation is the key.
Ideally, it is good to begin laying the groundwork for a pregnancy at least 3 months beforehand.
However, if you do not have this time available before your first round of treatment, never fear, it is better to start late than never! Bear in mind that the lifecycle for both eggs and sperm is around 90 days.
This means that steps you take now to improve the quality and quantity of each will come to fruition about 3 months from now.
However, many things you do between now and then which will help.
One of the best tips for IVF success is to improve your diet.
Good nutrition is the key, and eating organic nutrient-dense foods is vital for healthy eggs and sperm.
You should avoid refined carbohydrates and sugar, trans-fats, alcohol and caffeine and base your diet around wholefoods, fresh fruits and vegetables, beans nuts and seeds.
You might also want to consult your doctor about taking a pre-natal supplement.
Relaxation is vital, with stress being an invisible defeator of the IVF process.
We've all heard stories of couples desperately trying to conceive who have finally achieved a pregnancy when they stop trying and forget about it.
It is strongly believed that the stress is a prohibitive factor and this is much the same for IVF, with the management of stress being one of the most popular tips for IVF success.
Try to manage your stress levels as best you can.
If you have a stressful job, try to take time out and think consciously about what makes you feel relaxed and practice it! If it is the procedure itself which is causing problems, try to take a couple of days away with your partner when you can.
Does reading, massage or gentle exercise help? Whatever suits you best, make sure you practice it.
There are even CD's available which are specifically designed for IVF patients to aid relaxation.
Increasingly, acupuncture is featuring in the top tips for IVF success.
There is some evidence to suggest that women who undergo acupuncture during the IVF procedure have a much improved success rate.
Indeed, some fertility doctors now recommend acupuncture routinely and you may wish to ask your own IVF doctor what her views are and whether she can recommend a practitioner.

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