Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

10 Pregnancy Discomforts

Finding out that you are expecting is one of the happiest times of a woman's life.
There is much anticipation, knowing that new life is growing within you and anticipating life with the new little one.
However, as any mother knows, there are often some things to deal with while expecting.
While these are some of the more common complaints, every woman is different.
1) Morning Sickness - One of the first things that an expectant mother often has to deal with is morning sickness.
An upset stomach is one of the most common discomforts while expecting.
This is caused by changes in hormones and usually occurs early in the pregnancy as the body is adjusting to the increased hormone production.
Some become very sick with constant vomiting which results in weight loss.
Others just feel queasy all the time.
Eating light snacks all day can help with this.
To help ease the sick feeling in the night or morning, keep crackers or cheese near the bed.
2) Fatigue - Another common discomfort during pregnancy is extreme fatigue and tiredness.
Of course, this is most likely because of the baby's growth, which takes a toll on the mother's body.
It can also be a sign of anemia or low iron in the blood, which is also common during pregnancy.
Taking naps may be necessary, so it's best not to fight it.
Also, exercise can help increase your energy level, so try to get some exercise as often as possible.
3) Frequent Urination - Most expectant mothers experience a frequent need to urinate.
This is caused by the baby pressing against the bladder.
It's not an indication of a problem, unless the urine stings or burns.
This usually indicates a urinary tract infection which must be treated with antibiotics.
4) Headaches - It's very common for pregnant women to experience headaches.
There can be many causes - changing hormones, fatigue, tension, congestion or constipation.
Applying an icepack to the forehead or back of the neck can sometimes help.
Tylenol is usually considered a safe pain medicine during pregnancy, as long as taken in moderation and approved by your physician.
Sometimes, a short nap will help relieve the headache.
5) Constipation and Hemorrhoids - Another common problem during pregnancy is constipation.
This is usually due to the elevated hormones in your body and the vitamins and iron supplements needed during pregnancy.
Straining due to constipation can then cause painful hemorrhoids.
They can also be caused by the pressure on your rectum from the growing baby.
Eating a diet high in fiber can help eliminate hard stools.
Also, drinking plenty of fluids and exercising regularly can help reduce constipation.
6) Bleeding and Swollen Gums - Tender, swollen, and bleeding gums are common during pregnancy.
This is caused by the increased hormones and blood flow.
Brushing and flossing regularly will help you avoid any dental problems.
7) Dizziness - This usually occurs during the second and third trimesters.
It is caused by blood accumulating in the legs and also going to the growing uterus.
This can cause your blood pressure to decrease, resulting in dizziness when you change positions.
If you must stand, don't stand in one position but move around.
Eat regular meets to help avoid a drop in blood sugar and lie on your left side when you rest to help with your blood pressure.
8) Heartburn and Indigestion - Heartburn and indigestion are caused during pregnancy because the digestive system slows down because of the changing hormone levels.
Also, as the uterus grows larger, it presses again the stomach, pushing the acids up into the throat.
Rather than eating three large meals during the day, eat several small meals or snacks.
Don't lie down right after eating, chew thoroughly and eat slowly.
You may find that some foods give you more problems, so avoid them as much as possible.
Heartburn relievers are usually acceptable during pregnancy, so check with your doctor.
9) Leg Cramps - These are common due to the changes in your body chemistry and pressure from the growing uterus.
Eat calcium-rich foods each day and exercise daily.
Stretching your legs before bedtime may help, as well as elevating them as much as possible during the day.
Gently stretching the muscles of a cramped leg can help, as well as Tylenol.
10) Muscle Soreness - Your back, hips, pelvis and sciatic may all be sore and achy.
This is usually caused by the strain put on the muscles, changing hormone levels and changes in your posture.
Wearing low-heeled shoes and moving around frequently can help.
When sitting, make sure you have adequate back support and avoid lifting heavy objects.
Most pregnancy discomforts are tolerable and one must realize that although she is experiencing some pain or soreness, it's because there is a growing baby within her body.
Having an understanding physician and supportive family member will allow you to talk these things over and give you a better knowledge of what is going on inside your body.
Within a few short months, the problems will be over and you will welcome your new child into your home!

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