What Men Want In A Woman: Aloofness
What men want in a woman is someone who is aloof.
Not sure what aloof means? It is a pretty funny sounding word, but it basically refers to someone who is a bit cool (not cold) towards you.
They try to maintain their distance from people and in general, will resist you coming on to them.
Though this is a better trait in men who want to attract women, take it from a man, there is something inherently sexy about a woman who is aloof.
Maybe it's the fact that she doesn't need you to be happy.
Maybe it's because you don't know whether she's into you or not.
Regardless, here's three ways to be aloof, starting straight away.
Talk Less This strategy is particularly effective if you are one to talk and talk from dawn til dusk.
If you're quiet, people will notice it and they may ask what's wrong.
Of course, you're not feeling down.
You're simply being cool.
Through the law of supply and demand, the less you talk, the more people will want to hear you talk.
Also the less you say, the more people listen to you when you actually say it.
So if you want your husband to listen to you, you actually have to speak less.
No Commitment If someone asks whether you want to do something, someone who is aloof will give a noncommittal answer.
This isn't because they're indecisive, it's just because they don't want to seem overly too eager at anything.
I mean this is generally the truth: when you say you'll do something, but you don't do it, people come to believe that you're unreliable.
If you're honest and you say, "I'll try but I can't make any promises," when you do it, people will come to respect you more for actually making the effort.
Have Smaller "Emotional Peaks" This is something that a lot of men would really appreciate.
We men in general tend to not react as emotionally as women do when we encounter a problem.
If we do encounter it, we want to deal with it, so we'll try to do so with a calm head.
If women are aloof, they will treat everything with calm precision, not overreacting.
In the event that a man is overreacting, having a woman who is aloof to handle situations is very useful.
What men want in a woman is someone who is aloof.
She is harder to attain and when the man is actually able to get through to her, what she has to say and do is that much more valuable.
Not sure what aloof means? It is a pretty funny sounding word, but it basically refers to someone who is a bit cool (not cold) towards you.
They try to maintain their distance from people and in general, will resist you coming on to them.
Though this is a better trait in men who want to attract women, take it from a man, there is something inherently sexy about a woman who is aloof.
Maybe it's the fact that she doesn't need you to be happy.
Maybe it's because you don't know whether she's into you or not.
Regardless, here's three ways to be aloof, starting straight away.
Talk Less This strategy is particularly effective if you are one to talk and talk from dawn til dusk.
If you're quiet, people will notice it and they may ask what's wrong.
Of course, you're not feeling down.
You're simply being cool.
Through the law of supply and demand, the less you talk, the more people will want to hear you talk.
Also the less you say, the more people listen to you when you actually say it.
So if you want your husband to listen to you, you actually have to speak less.
No Commitment If someone asks whether you want to do something, someone who is aloof will give a noncommittal answer.
This isn't because they're indecisive, it's just because they don't want to seem overly too eager at anything.
I mean this is generally the truth: when you say you'll do something, but you don't do it, people come to believe that you're unreliable.
If you're honest and you say, "I'll try but I can't make any promises," when you do it, people will come to respect you more for actually making the effort.
Have Smaller "Emotional Peaks" This is something that a lot of men would really appreciate.
We men in general tend to not react as emotionally as women do when we encounter a problem.
If we do encounter it, we want to deal with it, so we'll try to do so with a calm head.
If women are aloof, they will treat everything with calm precision, not overreacting.
In the event that a man is overreacting, having a woman who is aloof to handle situations is very useful.
What men want in a woman is someone who is aloof.
She is harder to attain and when the man is actually able to get through to her, what she has to say and do is that much more valuable.