Technology Microsoft Software & solutions

Window Well Scene Installation

    Prepare the Well

    • Make sure that the window well is clean of debris before installing your product. Use rubbing alcohol, or another cleaning solution to clean the well so that the fastener or adhesive will properly adhere to the well. Remove at least an inch of rocks from the bottom of the well so that you can install the scene below the floor of the well. You can replace the rocks when you finish the installation. The rocks will help anchor the panel.


    • Measure the height of the window well in the middle and on both sides. Measure the width of the well at the top, bottom and in the middle. These numbers will determine the size to which you will cut the window well panel. You may not be able to get the exact dimensions, so be liberal with the numbers. If the panel is too large, you can always trim excess material. If your measurements come up short, however, you won't be able to make up for the shortfall.

    Prepare the Panel

    • Crop the well scene panel. Make sure that the panel is supported on a solid flat surface. Secure the corners of the panel so they don't roll up. Work carefully so that you don't damage or break the panel. Determine the portion of the panel that is most appealing to you. Use a straight edge and mark the perimeter of the area. Use a sharp utility knife or scissors to cut the panel.

    Install the Panel

    • Conduct a dry fit of the window well scene panel, as you will probably need to refine the size of the panel for the final fit. Again, the bottom of the panel should be a minimum of one inch below the surface of the rocks. Some products use Velcro to secure the panel in place. Other products may use a hook and loop fastening system. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for securing the window well scene panel you have selected.

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